Sometimes creating your very own perfectly imperfect body truly madly deeply has very little to do with what others think about your perfect imperfections and everything to do with about loving yourself completely even through your deepest faults that lays beyond your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as you stare at your very own perfectly imperfect reflection last years past of broken dreams is staring back at you. Reflecting on all your perfectly imperfect broken promises. With the merry go round of broken dreams silently waiting by the side of the mirror. Beckoning you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel with the wonderfully beautiful melody of should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel lets take our perfectly imperfect walk to our very own happily ever after. Lets dance and create the life we always wanted. Sweet Lovely this life is truly madly deeply yours live it the very best way you can mmmmmmmmmmmm ya.
Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from Port Au Prince Haiti.
Hi Lovelies, how are you? I’m doing well can’t complain actually. I hope all is good in your world as well. So Lovelies my perfectly imperfect birthday is coming up and then directly after is the anniversary of my self love journey. Consequently a whole lot of self loving will be going on needless to say. I’m truly madly deeply grateful to truly madly deeply love my body with all its perfect imperfections. From the rash I received from my grandmother getting me sick. To my bloated belly from lack of drinking water. Lovelies as we live longer and longer life happens and we receive perfectly imperfect scars of blue hope. No I’m not absolutely happy with all the things happening to my body. For example, the rash my grandmother give to me. Nonetheless I have learned to accept no I’m not perfect and that is ok. All I can truly do is create the best body I can possibly manage over time. Lovelies so I created my dream body and then what?
Sometimes creating your very own perfectly imperfect body truly madly deeply has very little to do with what others think about your perfect imperfections and everything to do with about loving yourself completely even through your deepest faults that lays beyond your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as you stare at your very own perfectly imperfect reflection last years past of broken dreams is staring back at you. Reflecting on all your perfectly imperfect broken promises. With the merry go round of broken dreams silently waiting by the side of the mirror. Beckoning you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel with the wonderfully beautiful melody of should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel lets take our perfectly imperfect walk to our very own happily ever after. Lets dance and create the life we always wanted. Sweet Lovely this life is truly madly deeply yours live it the very best way you can mmmmmmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies be the very best you you can possibly be after all that is all you can do. I see so many men and women getting plastic surgery. They just don’t like there perfectly imperfect bodies. Let me reiterate I don’t have anything against plastic surgery. If you don’t like something and you choose to fix it there is truly nothing wrong with that. The problems lies with you not accepting and loving yourself. You can love yourself and still want to change for the better. For instance in my very own self love journey I love myself and still wanted to change and create my very own perfectly imperfect body. Change can be absolutely beautiful when you do it for yourself. If you want to truly lose weight do it for yourself and no one else. Lovelies when you lose weight for someone else it will not last too long. This blog has always been about being at your very own comfortable weight whatever it may be. Sweet Lovely you are truly madly deeply beautiful no matter what. I love you nonetheless. Have a lovely blessed day Lovelies mmmmmmmmm ya.