Sometimes the wonderfully beautiful clouded mist of last years past of broken dreams is slowly incapacitating your perfectly imperfect body. Little by little the wonderfully beautiful blue in your eyes is slowly dissolving into a never ending eternity full of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I was watching you diligently as you hesitantly boarded the merry go round of broken dreams. Your blue eyes shining oh so brightly as if silently encouraging you to never dream your life instead continually live your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I believe the next stop is your very own perfectly imperfect happily ever after. Take my hand it is truly madly deeply my pleasure to help you off the merry go round of broken dreams. Sweet Lovely for this is your life do all the things you always wanted to do. Truly madly deeply live the life that you deserve for you are absolutely worth it. You deserve all the happiness in the world. I love you now and forevermore.
早上好 (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you form beautiful wonderful Hong Kong China.
Hi Lovelies how are you? To be honest I have been better Lovelies. Last night I truly madly deeply worked late and now my body is paying the perfectly imperfect price. Moreover, I’m extremely depressed today. Nonetheless, I don’t only want to post when I’m happy and everything is okay. As I said so many times I’m perfectly imperfect. Lovelies it is ok not to be ok. I know things will not always come easy and that is fine and ok too. I hope you Lovelies are truly madly deeply having an awesome day. Sweet Lovelies I know this too shall pass. Nothing lasts forever. World Fitters, I just have gotten off the merry-go-round of broken dreams and am waiting for the cloudy mist of many broken promises to dissipate.
Sometimes the wonderfully beautiful clouded mist of last year’s past of broken dreams is slowly incapacitating your perfectly imperfect body. Little by little the wonderfully beautiful blue in your eyes is slowly dissolving into a never-ending eternity full of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I was watching you diligently as you hesitantly boarded the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Your blue eyes shining oh so brightly as if silently encouraging you to never dream your life instead continually live your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I believe the next stop is your very own perfectly imperfect happily ever after. Take my hand it is truly madly deeply my pleasure to help you off the merry go round of broken dreams. Sweet Lovely for this is your life do all the things you always wanted to do. Truly madly deeply live the life that you deserve for you are absolutely worth it. You deserve all the happiness in the world I love you now and forevermore. Ya Lovelies I know I truly madly deeply deserve to be happy. I’m a good person who is always willing to help in any way I can. Nonetheless, I have my very own perfectly imperfect inner demons that inascapebably won’t let me off the merry-go-round of broken dreams. I stubbornly hold on tightly to my seat as I brace myself for an inevitable unhappily ever after. Then I look over to the side of me. There I see my very own reflection staring back at me. Reminding me softly that it is ok not to be ok. That everything will not always make sense at this very perfectly imperfect moment. Nevertheless, in time as you reach your very own happily ever after it, all will finally make wonderfully beautiful sense. You will finally open your blue eyes to all the wonderfully beautiful possibilities. Then you will dance Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Making all your dreams come true. twirling in absolute delight. I love you don’t worry be happy.