Sometimes life is truly madly deeply not what you have expected. For you have been wronged over and over again like the merry go round of broken dreams eternal whirlwind of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel last years past of broken dreams need not be your eternal forevermore of what could have been. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see you looking deeply into my beautiful blue eyes. With the biggest beautiful wonderful smile on your face. As you truly madly deeply realize that this life of yours is perfectly imperfect nevertheless it is all yours now and forevermore. You just have to believe. Carpe diem seize the day create your very own happily ever after one sweet day at a time mmmmmmmmm ya. Don’t dream your life live your dream.
Buongiorno (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful wonderful Italy.
Hi Lovelies, how are you? I’m doing better thankfully ya. As I mentioned in a previous blog post I have been down and not doing my daily walks outside as of late. But you know what lovelies (I said in my British accent). It is always ok not to be ok. You don’t have to pretend like you are happy when you truly madly deeply are not. Which is something that has been and continues to be a perfectly imperfect struggle for me. I just really feel that all over the world there are truly so much more problems than I can really begin to understand. So my problems feel really small when compared. Lovelies please understand all difficulties are valid. Even though someone else who just got off the merry-go-round of broken dreams is truly madly deeply going through a more difficult situation. Lovelies we all have been wrong at some point in our lives. Life is truly madly deeply not fair and it will never be. Nonetheless, we can always change our very own perfectly imperfect thinking.
Sometimes life is truly madly deeply not what you have expected. For you have been wronged over and over again like the merry-go-round of broken dreams eternal whirlwind of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, last year’s past of broken dreams need not be your eternal forevermore of what could have been. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I see you looking deeply into my beautiful blue eyes. With the biggest beautiful wonderful smile on your face. As you truly madly deeply realize that this life of yours is perfectly imperfect nevertheless it is all yours now and forevermore. You just have to believe. Carpe diem seize the day create your very own happily ever after one sweet day at a time mmmmmmmmm ya. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Ya Lovelies we all have been wronged at some point in our perfectly imperfect lives. For instance my lack of self-love allowing me to get into a lot of bad relationships. The guys doing wrong by me and using me. My personal reaction to not being treated appropriately was to move on with my life as best as I can. Nevertheless, that’s not the case with everyone else. Some needed some much-needed retribution such as revenge. Sweet Lovelies revenge is only temporary relief. It never completely takes away all the pain. As a matter of fact, as difficult, it may seem at that very particular moment forgiveness is truly the answer. For example, I had to really forgive my ex in order to move on. I was filled with so much anger like never before. I know now he was the worst mistake I ever made in my life. I really wished I never met him like the song by Domo Wilson. I know I’m having serious trusting issues because of him. I just was looking through my pictures and he really was not attractive I’m not saying that out of anger it is true. It’s amazing how not knowing your own perfectly imperfect worth can cause you to be with someone that really never deserved you. Love yourself Lovelies always and know your worth. You are absolutely worth every bit of happiness you receive. Forgive those that have wronged you and you will be free forevermore. Don’t let your anger hold you, hostage, on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. This is your life live it as you please.