Sometimes you have to truly madly deeply say goodbye to your old perfectly imperfect selves. With last years past of a broken dreams continuously playing the broken promises melody of what could’ve, should’ve, and would’ve on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see you are not quite the beauty you once was once upon a wonderfully beautiful dreamy walk to your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel truth be told you are much more beautiful then you have ever been. Embracing your flaws and truly madly deeply loving all your perfect imperfections. Sweet Lovely for nothing is more beautiful then true self acceptance. World Fitters be sure to pray and say the serenity prayer each morning you are truly madly deeply blessed to see another beautiful wonderful day. Sweet Lovely carpe diem seize the beautifully wonderful day. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmmmm ya.
Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from lovely Nice France.
Hi Lovelies how are you all doing this lovely amazing morning in Tinsel Town? I’m doing alright just feel a good amount of tiredness ya. I have to get my sleeping patterns back on track Lovelies. I somehow know that drinking tea is night quite the answer for my perfectly imperfect exhaustion. Nonetheless, that doesn’t keep me from trying mmmmmmmm ya. As a matter of fact Lovelies I’m making another cup of tea as we speak ya. Lovelies you know I’m always on YouTube looking at different videos and today was truly madly deeply no difference. I came across a video a woman was talking about how having a baby ruined her body. Before that, I came across a blog post about having a baby you have to say goodbye to your old self. Likewise to grow my perfectly imperfect business I will have to say goodbye to my old self.
Sometimes you have to truly madly deeply say goodbye to your old perfectly imperfect selves. With last year’s past of broken dreams continuously playing the broken promises melody of what could’ve, should’ve, and would’ve on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I see you are not quite the beauty you once was once upon a wonderfully beautiful dreamy walk to your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel truth be told you are much more beautiful than you have ever been. Embracing your flaws and truly madly deeply loving all your perfect imperfections. Sweet Lovely for nothing is more beautiful than true self-acceptance. World Fitters be sure to pray and say the serenity prayer each morning you are truly madly deeply blessed to see another beautiful wonderful day. Sweet Lovely carpe diem seize the beautifully wonderful day. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies sometimes every so often I get really nostalgic and start looking at old pictures of myself. Understandably now that I’m heading to my forties I’m nervous about losing my very own natural beauty. Being that I’m still single I don’t want to lose my looks before I meet the men of my dreams. I have reconnected with my ex and I’m trying to see where that will truly madly deeply take us. I will have to say goodbye to my old self and start a new one with him. Lovelies to be perfectly imperfectly honest since losing him I have not found any other love of my life. I missed him tremendously and couldn’t really take him out of my mind. Now it is 3 years I can’t let him go again without giving it an honest try. Sweet Lovelies I will have to get off the merry-go-round of broken dreams and leave my old self behind forevermore. I truly madly deeply love you all have a blessed day mmmmmmmm ya.