Sometimes you have to be thankful even for riding the merry go riund of broken dreams. With last years past of a broken dreams on a standstill now and forevermore. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I know right now life may not be as you like. With so many broken promises making your very own happily ever after truly obsolete. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as you sit patiently around the table of everlasting love. You look from one blue eyed beauty to the other being ever thankful that you truly madly deeply is still here. Still have a chance to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Still have a chance to create your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel for you are so much more then a prety face. For You are Francesca Etheart INC and Frans Online Business INC and that is really beautiful. Sweet Lovelies never give up on your dreams. You are worth every bit of happiness and I love you forevermore even with death we shall not part.
Bueno Dias (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from the wonderful loving Puerto Rico of dreams.
Hi Lovelies, Happy Thanksgiving to you all Lovelies. Yes, here in the US we are celebrating a special American holiday which truly signifies the start of the holidays. My brother came home from Wahington DC to eat with his perfectly imperfect family. My mother and my younger sister did the cooking while I fixed and clean the kitchen and dining room. No there were no thanksgiving home decorations. Just family love and a lot of empty bellies mmmmmmmmm ya. On this frantastic celebration, we think about all the things we truly madly deeply are thankful for. All the things we normally take for granted. For example, I’m truly thankful for all of you Lovelies supporting my wonderful blue dreams. Though at times I can hesitantly get on the merry go round of broken dreams I have to still be thankful that the next stop is to my very own happily ever after mmmmmmmmm ya.
Sometimes you have to be thankful even for riding the merry-go-round of broken dreams. With last year’s past of broken dreams on a standstill now and forevermore. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I know right now life may not be as you like. With so many broken promises making your very own happily ever after truly obsolete. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as you sit patiently around the table of everlasting love. You look from one blue-eyed beauty to the other being ever thankful that you truly madly deeply is still here. Still have a chance to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Still have a chance to create your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel for you are so much more than a pretty face. For You are Francesca Etheart INC and Frans Online Business INC and that is really beautiful. Sweet Lovelies never give up on your dreams. You are worth every bit of happiness and I love you forevermore even with death we shall not part. Ya Lovelies I had an amazing Thanksgiving day eating with my perfectly imperfect family. Even my older sister eventually joined us and got some food later. Just one of my sisters was unable to make it as she was working. As she is a cook at an amazing restaurant. Nevertheless what I truly madly deeply enjoyed was eating with my family and being thankful for all we have in life. No, we are not rich and don’t have much. We are a normal family trying to live the American dream working hard on our dreams. Lovelies on this day be thankful for what you have even though it is not much at all. Work hard to get more of the life you truly want but never make it all about the money. If all you care about is the money then you will never be satisfied. You will always want more. Greed will first consume your heart then your very own perfectly imperfect life. Sweet Lovelies always treasure what you really feel is precious to you. Live your best life and leave everything to a higher power. Have faith everything will be alright and it shall be. Have a great day Lovelies chabella.