Faith runs deep like a voluntary dive into the unknown. Believe in yourself Sweet Lovely. Never settle as you truly madly deeply deserve the very best. Dont dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmm ya.

Hi, Lovelies, good day to you all. How are you all doing this lovely beautiful morning in amazingly wonderful Tinsel Town of blue hopes and dreams? I’m doing alright truly madly deeply can’t complain. I hope you all are amazingly awesomely also doing very well too Sweet Lovelies. Lovelies I can’t believe 2021 is coming to a close and we will soon be welcoming 2022. I’m now 39 years of age and ever hopeful of stopping dreaming my life and living my dream. Lovelies I remember starting blogging and writing more seriously at 30 or 31 years of age. When in actuality I have been writing since I was like 9 or 10 years old. After all of this perfectly imperfect life wanderlust of dreams has come to past one begins to truly wonder what do you desire?
Well, Lovelies it is quite simple really I desire to help you all live the very best life you possibly can. I want you all to get up each day and open your beautiful blue eyes to all the wonderful beautiful possibilities that this life can truly offer. That’s right I only want to help! I started this blog after my very own weight issues. People were constantly bothering me and telling me how much better I looked thinner and how I needed to lose weight. Now when I look back at my old pictures when I was bigger I see my very own natural beauty that always prevails no matter what. I was so busy listening to other’s opinions about me that I did not even hear my very own sweet heart. There was this particular dreadful neighbor that just kept bothering me about my belly. Constantly asking if I was pregnant in a form of a joke. I was very lost and I really needed someone. Likewise, you may be lost and need someone I can be that for you if you like?
Lovelies tell Franchy what you like and desire? Ya, I want to know some things you would like me to publish about. This blog is for all of us so your thoughts are truly madly deeply very important. You are the reason that I’m online and I appreciate all of you. I love you all with all my Franchy heart. Yes, I’m currently in New York but you Lovelies allow me to travel to your heart every time you read my lovely blog. Thank you from the bottom of my Franchy heart. Have a lovely blessed day mmmmmmm ya.