Sometimes one have to truly madly deeply believe that someday soon rather all their hard work will eternally lead all Beautiful Sweet Soul Angels to their very own happily ever after now and forevermore. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel truly live the life that you always wanted. Don’t dream your life live your dream forevermore. Sweet Lovely let neither your sex nor your fears hold you back from your wonderfully beautiful blue dreams of hope . For the truth of the matter is that men or women we are truly love equally by God and we are all worthy of all the happiness of the world no matter what. Be blue be you mmmmmmmmmm ya. I love you Sweet Lovelies.
Story 2 Amandaz and Joshua Happily Ever After Awaits.
Today I take you to the beautiful country of Singapore rich in its culture and wonderful beautiful traditions. Meet Amandaz a beautiful Singapore women with many beautiful wonderful blue dreams. She knows she was meant to be a great wife and mother nevertheless she also have a dream of opening her very own shop and running a successful business. She have meet the love of her life Joshua and they are making plans of a traditional Singaporean wedding. Joshua wants to lavish Amandaz with many gifts of eternal happiness. He will be the dutiful husband and work and care for his family. He constantly counsel Amandaz about not needing to open her very own business. Will Amandaz give way to tradition and leave her dreams behind on the merry go round of broken dreams or will she live her dreams? Lovelies lets see if Amandaz stay true to herself mmmmmmmm ya.
Amandaz has just finished her daily chores of house hold cleaning. While her other siblings has decided to go out for some fun out in the near by neighborhood. She has elected to do yet another journal entry. She wanted to add more details about the shop she wanted to built in the memory of her lovely grandmother who died just last year. Her grandmother always reminded her she can be whomever she wanted to be as long as she is willing to truly put in the effort. Nonetheless her mother did not have as much as a beautiful open mind as her grandmother. She just wanted her beautiful daughter to find a nice man to take care of her. Needless to say when Joshua her long time boyfriend finally proposed she was thrill and doing the happily ever after dance. Now Amandaz is excitedly waiting for her beautiful wedding at least that is what everyone else thinks ya.
Lovelies we all want to make our families happy and proud of us even at times closing our beautiful blue eyes to our very own sweet dreams. Nonetheless we all only have one life to live. We can’t always make everyone happy by neglecting our very own happiness. Life is far to short not to create our very own happily ever after’s. Don’t dream your life live your dreams Beautiful Sweet Soul Angels.