The Continuation:
Amandaz called out her sweet mothers voice. Yes Momma. Someone very special is on the phone for you. I smiled brightly it is my love Joshua. I quickly jump of my bed and headed straight into the living room and took the phone out of my mothers hand and said thanks Mom. Hi baby how are you? I said excitedly into the phone. I’m doing great babes was just writing in my daily journal. Oh dinner tonight? Sure I would love to. What time will you come pick me up? Oh ok sounds good baby I will be ready. See you soon. Suddenly my Mother pokes her head into the living room. So I guess you wont be joining us for Grandmas special casserole tonight my Mother asked with a great big smile on her face? It’s ok I know Joshua only takes my Princess to the finest restaurants. Just make sure to be home before 12am. Otherwise your Dad will never let you hear the end of it. I smile and said I know Mom and kiss her good night. Then I slowly went back into my bed room. Ugh no privacy I thought and fell back onto my bed. Now just what ever shall I wear?

Story 2 Part 2 Amandaz and Joshua Happily Ever After Awaits.
Amandaz finishes up on her final makeup appliance. She smooths down her golden dress and gives a final glance over from her full length mirror. She looked absolutely beautiful tonight. She took special care with her appearance tonight as she has not seen Joshua in a while since he was on a business trip in China. She grabs her purse and hurriedly places on her grandmas ring for good luck. Wish me luck grandma she whispers as she closes her bedroom door behind her.

As she walked into the living room she saw her mother intently talking and laughing with Joshua. It’s as if they are already married and he is part of the family. When Amandaz walked in they both suddenly stopped talking. I’m ready Amandaz said with a big smile. Joshua returned her smile and kissed my mother on the check as she said have fun you two. When we were safely in his car he kissed me passionately and held me tight. When we finally parted he said I looked beautiful as always and my heart melted. The drive in itself was not too long I’d said about 25 minutes away from my house. He came out first and open my door for me and help me out of the car. Joshua is truly madly deeply a gentleman that is why I love him so. For example, when we were both young children he asked me for my permission first before he kissed me. Furthermore through out our long standing relationship he has always been kind and respectful of me. Joshua places his arm into my left arm and asked gently are you ready to go? I said yes excitedly. Here you go sir table for two our finest location just as you requested said the Waiter. Thank you Joshua said and secretly handed the man some cash in his hand. Thank you sir if there is anything else I can help you with I will be at the front desk. Enjoy your meal you two the Waiter smiled then walked away. Wow I said smiling this place is truly amazing you spoil me so much baby. Oh there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you my love. I will do a lot more after we are married I promise you that. Before I got a chance to respond the most beautiful women came to our table and asked if we were ready to order? Yes he said smiling. She will go first. Um I cleared my throat a bit caught of guard. I will have the Clam Soup and Salad please. I will have the same he reiterated. Awesome choices you two anything to drink? Yes we both will have Pepsi Soda please. Great I will be with you two soon and she walked away. Joshua begin laughing shortly. What I stammered? What is so funny? You are he responded. What are you talking about babe? You are the most beautiful women I ever met that Waitress has nothing on my baby. I smiled sweetly knowing I have the most amazing man. I just don’t get you baby. You truly don’t see how beautiful and special you are. I just want you he kisses my hand softly. We will marry soon and you will have my children. What about my shop babe? Baby he said gently I have a really good paying job you don’t need to work ever. I will take care of you and the children. But babe that is my dream and my passion I really want to create my very own happily ever after (ya again putting my very special Franchy touch). Amandaz he looked deep into my eyes is that truly madly deeply what you want to do baby? Yes babe I have to be true to myself and do what I love. Ok then as your husband it is my duty to support you in whatever that makes you happy. I love you baby. I kissed him passionately and said I cant wait to be your wife.

The Faithful Decision:
Amandaz looked anxiously down the flower way that she herself will soon be walking down. Her entire family is here waiting to see Lings (my mothers name) eldest daughter make her faithful decision that will change her entire livelihood. Growing up she didn’t have much her family was really poor until she started dating Joshua. He loved her and no longer wanted her to suffer so he made plans for his family to help my family. His dad offer my dad a job so that my father could better care for his family. From that very moment I was destined to be his wife. My perfectly imperfect life set for a truly bright beautiful blue future. The only thing that was just for me was the shop I promised to create in my grandmothers memory. Last month Joshua brought me the shop and now my dream is coming true. All that is left is for me to be his wife. Are you ready darling my dad asked taking my left arm into his? Yes Daddy I’m. At that very moment the music begin playing and everyone stood up looking at me as I walk down the beautiful flower way. Nonetheless all their faces melted away and all I could see was Joshua with the biggest smile on his face. I looked into his eyes and he mouthed I love you. My dad placed my hands into Joshua’s and took his seat next to my mother. We are gather here for the beautiful sweet union of Joshua and Amandaz. This love so pure and innocent may it last for eternity. Joshua do you take Amandaz as your wedded wife to have and to hold for better and for worse for as long as you both shall live? I do he said smiling. Amandaz do you promise to be there for Joshua to have and to hold for better and for worse for as long as you both shall live? Yes I do I said smiling looking directly at Joshua with so much love in my heart. By the power given to me from God I pronounce you husband and wife. Now you may kiss your bride Joshua. He let go of my hands and pull up my vail. He whisper you look so beautiful as he kissed me softly and everyone stood up clapping their hands together and cheering us on.

The After Glow Of Sweet Love:
Amandaz phone my sweet mother said. I took the phone from her and kiss her lightly on the check and said thanks mom. Hello oh hi baby how are you? I’m doing ok baby business is good praise God just that I’m so tired being that I’m pregnant and all I said teasingly. Ya I’m due next month so soon my mother is going to have to take over the shop for me as I rest. When will be home baby I’ve missed you? Then suddenly I hear how much is it for this mam? I turn around quickly and see Joshua holding some flowers and a box of candy. I hanged up the phone and ran straight into his arms. You know there is no way anything can keep me away from being there for the birth of my first child Joshua said excitedly. I responded by kissing him passionately. By the grace of God the next morning I was in the hospital surrounded by my entire family to welcome the newest member of the family. He will be loved and thought to always be true to himself no matter what. Have a very lovely day Lovelies. I truly madly deeply hope I inspire you all to live your dreams no matter what.