Sometimes the sweet wanderlust of the internet can be quite alluring at times helping you create your very own happily ever after. Then some how perfectly imperfect fissures of last years past of broken dreams are becoming quite apparent on the big screen of it is a wonderful life. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel was it a beautiful wonderful life riding on the merry go round of broken dreams? Your face so pale from seeing the shadowy presence of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you so and I truly madly deeply know all your strengths and failures. Your blue eyes so sparkly as you think about truly madly deep living the life you always really ever wanted. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize the beautifully wonderful day and let us dance to our very own happily ever after. Don’t dream your life live your dream now and forevermore mmmmmmmm ya.
Guten Morgen (Good morning) World Fitters
Hi Lovelies, how are you Lovelies doing this beautiful lovely morning? I’m doing alright trying to enjoy every perfectly imperfect breath that I take. World Fitters today I wanted to discus the wanderlust eternal curiosity that is the world wide web. I mean here you are viewing my wonderful wanderlust beautiful blog . I remember the first time I started using the internet was when I was in college. Back then AOL was the star. Today when I see how fast the internet truly madly deeply is the old days of AOLs dial up have really become obsolete. For very good reasons too. I can’t imagine ever going to live on You Now with slow dial up it just would never work. Ya indeed Lovelies we all have truly falling in love with the magical very alluring wanderlust of the perfectly imperfect internet.
Sometimes the sweet wanderlust of the internet can be quite alluring at times helping you create your very own happily ever after. Then some how perfectly imperfect fissures of last years past of broken dreams are becoming quite apparent on the big screen of it is a wonderful life. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel was it a beautiful wonderful life riding on the merry go round of broken dreams? Your face so pale from seeing the shadowy presence of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you so and I truly madly deeply know all your strengths and failures. Your blue eyes so sparkly as you think about truly madly deeply living the life you always really ever wanted. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize the beautifully wonderful day and let us dance to our very own happily ever after. Don’t dream your life live your dream now and forevermore mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies I remember when I first logged on into the internet I was just 18 years old at the time. My blue eyes staring at the screen. It truly madly deeply was exhilarating having the world at my finger tips. I had not even one picture of me online now I have thousands online. Nevertheless, while the internet open the door to millions of Sweet Lovelies it can be very dangerous. Especially for children who are not yet mature to the reality of this perfectly imperfect eternity. Be safe when online Sweet Lovelies. Make sure to do plenty of research before buying anything. I myself never will ask for any money my information is completely free. World Fitters we have been online for six years and going strong. I will never misuse you trust. Have a blessed day mmmmmmmmm ya.