Sometimes you just need a seat and some well needed self reflection to see if you are becoming the person you truly want to be if you are not then become it be blue be you.
Hello there World Fitters!
How are you in the world? I myself am ok taking an extra day to love me and reflect. Reflect on the women I have become and always wanted to be. I’m a writer like I always wanted to be and I’m working 100% for my own online business (Frans Online Business INC). I love being in control of my life and truly doing what I love to do. It all started with the decison to love all my perfectly imperfect self. I don’t have to be perfect and know all the right answers I just have to be me. As the end of 2019 dwindles downs I begin to reflect on my special year another year I have made it. “I’m still here!” I’m still breathing every last breath like anyone of these can be my last. I tell you a secret World Fitters your reflection of yourself determines your future past of lost dreams.
Sometimes you just need a seat and some well needed self reflection to see if you are becoming the person you truly want to be if you are not then become it be blue be you. Well World Fitters it isn’t really a sccret is it? The way you see yourself is the most imporatant life realization. When you truly understand that for yourself you begin not caring what others think of you. What there opinions of you is become completely irrelavant. When I created this blog it was because of someones opinion about my weight. I was really angry at many peoples rude comment on my weight gain. Ok I get it I became fat. I was no longer the sexy slim girl but really what is anyones business about that? My weight is my business (literally). It’s my body and I will put in it whatever I please and I really dont care what you think about that! As I reflect now about the whole horible ordeal I see how my low self esteem can make me vlaue someones thought so much that I hurt myself. The many rude comments I received should of been used as a steping stone to a better more happy me. Everyone has an opion not everyones opinion can be of good use to you however. In the end it is my body and it was only me that helped create my perfectly imperfect body. No one helped. No one offer to give me money to buy better food to eat. “Nevertheless they care so much about my weight.” The truth is no one can actually care about your health so much with out even meeting you. They just trying to make it seem like they care instead of being insinsitive. My reflection now is a lot clearer and peaceful. I truly love myself and all my imperfections that makes me Franchy. Love you World Fitters don’t care about peoples opinon so much. No one knows and undersatnd you better then yourself. If you need to talk contact me and I can be a listening ear with no judgement. I love you all Lovelies.