Sometimes the only choice you have is either celebrate your birthday above ground or below am thankful that I will see another year.
Good morning World Fitters
How are you? I’m ok preparing for my birthday. I’m not going to lie World Fitters whenever my birthday comes around I get a little depress as I know I will be one year older especially at my age. I don’t want to get older I never did. Nonetheless I know it is part of life and I must accept it! After all age is just a number and it is just a body. I remember being eighteen years of age and worrying about aging as I knew it was part of life. Like life birthdays are whatever you make of them Its your choice to be happy and make your special day the best ever or make it your worst.
Sometimes the only choice you have is either celebrate your birthday above ground or below am thankful that I will see another year. So many wont get the chance to even be thirty years old I got to be apprecaitive of that. To celebrate my birthday I brought myself a cake and card nothing too big. 🙂 Tommorow I will do a bit of work then its party time. 🙂 Well not actually a party just be relaxing and enjoying my special day. I didn’t make any plans so we will see. Either way I’m truly blessed to see another year ya. I was really surprise and appreciative that Brandon Bernard sent me a good wishes letter from Indianna I really feel warm inside from that. Alright World Fitters got to go let the festivities begin ya!