Sometimes the clothes don’t fold themselves nor do the dishes wash themselves (at least not that I know of lol) no beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you can’t just open your beautiful blue eyes and smile and expect everything to be easily done for you, you have to put in the effort firstly forevermore create your very own perfectly imperfect happily ever after and leave last years past of broken dreams inside the merry go round of broken dreams with them intertwine and so they become no more for eternity don’t dream your life live your dream beautiful Sweet Soul Angel mmmmm ya.

Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters

How are you this lovely wonderful morning in Tinseltown? I’m blessed and am well thanks and I truly madly deeply wish the same for you. Ya World Fitters picture this. You are just laying on your bed watching your favorite TV show and some how everything that needed to be done is being done by themselves. Wow lucky you right? ????? The broom is sweeping the floor by itself. Your website is doing all the research and posting all by itself. Additionally your breakfast is cooking itself good thing too as you are starving. ???? Ya World Fitters as you can tell I have a very active imagination even at my very own perfectly imperfect age mmmmm ya. Laugh out loud Lovelies you know I’m just joking with you all. Of course all of that is just not possible you have to put in some amount of work otherwise nothing gets completed. Nothing gets done and again last years past of broken dreams is playing in the merry go round over and over again. Like a broken record of your favorite song “My Heart Will Go On” that just will not go on. Lovelies everything is possible if you are willing to put in the work mmmmmm ya.

Sometimes the clothes don’t fold themselves nor do the dishes wash themselves (at least not that I know of lol) no beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you can’t just open your beautiful blue eyes and smile and expect everything to be easily done for you you have to put in the effort firstly forevermore create your very own perfectly imperfect happily ever after and leave last years past of broken dreams inside the merry go round of broken dreams with them intertwine and so they become no more for eternity don’t dream your life live your dream beautiful Sweet Soul Angel mmmmm ya. World Fitters I was well aware of the many doors the internet opened to help so many people earn money. You can earn your life and create your very own happily ever after. Literally you can create a business on basically almost anything at all. For instance there are people on YouTube who are getting paid to eat (Mucbag). Why can’t I? Lovelies yes I know only me can truly madly deeply answer that perfectly imperfect question. World Fitters I have been on and off YouTube throughout my online business career. When they demonetized my channels I admitted I became unmotivated to post. You know what Lovelies? I want to start working harder on my YouTube Business. See how much I can succeed. Lovelies as I said before this has to be the year I succeed. I’m heading for my forties something has to change. Lovelies all is possible you just have to put in the time and believe in yourself for eternity. I love you all deeply have a blessed day mmmmm ya.


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