Sometimes the voices of last years past of broken dreams are continually singing a wanderlust of eternal doom dimming the blue in your beautiful blue eyes I see you beautiful Sweet Soul Angel with all your perfect imperfections no you are not perfect you have made a lot of mistakes you have been wronged by too many and yet I still see that beautiful smile spreading across your sweet red lips with you blessing me and giving me sweet Franchy kisses I love you beautiful Sweet Soul Angel come here let me help you off the merry go round of broken dreams and set my princess free forevermore mmmmmm you may now create your happily ever after Sweet Soul Angel be well.

Buongiorno (Good morning) World Fitters

How are you doing Lovelies? I’m doing well World Fitters thanks for asking . I hope you are doing frantastic as well mmmmmm ya. World Fitters have you ever try to change nonetheless the voices of last years past of broken dreams just wont be quitted by the eternally beautiful song being played by your perfectly imperfect happily ever after. World Fitters what if you fall over and over again. Continually getting on the merry go round of broken dreams not sure where it will take you or if you will ever return. Every so often you take a turn in your very own perfectly imperfect life of which there is no return no do overs forevermore. So much so you become incapacitated with unforgettable thoughts of last years past of broken dreams. Suddenly you are unable to get off the merry go round of broken dreams. You begin to feel trap within yourself. Last years past of broken dreams intertwine with your eternal self doubt eliminating the blue in your eyes with no hope in sight.

Sometimes the voices of last years past of broken dreams are continually singing a wanderlust of eternal doom dimming the blue in your beautiful blue eyes I see you beautiful Sweet Soul Angel with all your perfect imperfections no you are not perfect you have made a lot of mistakes you have been wronged by too many and yet I still see that beautiful smile spreading across your sweet red lips you blessing me and giving me sweet Franchy kisses I love you beautiful Sweet Soul Angel come here let me help you off the merry go round of broken dreams and set my princess free forevermore mmmmmm you may now create your happily ever after Sweet Soul Angel be well. World Fitters for the most part I’m well very well praise God. Nonetheless I was not always like this. For example, I remember last years past I was just finished hanging with my sister I was young just twenty four or twenty five years old at that time. I remember being on the bus just crying just miserable. World Fitters in my twenties I was so eternally depress I just did not love myself at all. I felt so alone Lovelies like I was by myself. Now I know for certainty I’m not alone. There are other lost Sweet Soul Angels out there. Numbing thier pain, hiding within themselves not wanting to see the truth. Now I know the truth. I’m a beautiful Sweet Soul Angel with a heart of gold. I love myself and I love you all Lovelies be blessed.


Everything doesn’t have to be perfect in order for you to be happy. You alone are enough mmmmmm ya. ????

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