Sometimes your ability to get up after a substantial fall from your perfectly imperfect happily ever after is a beautiful wonderful test of how much you truly madly deeply want to live your dream instead of just dreaming your perfectly imperfect forevermore. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I saw your fall from last years past of broken dreams. The merry go round of broken dreams was the steepest it has ever been. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel hold on tight my darling. The next stop is yours to your very own happily ever after. Don’t close your beautiful blue eyes Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Keep them open to all the wonderful possibilities that is heading your Franchy way mmmmmmmmm ya. Carpe diem seize the day this is your wonderful beautiful life enjoy it to the fullest with all your heart.
Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters
Hi Lovelies! How are you doing on this absolutely beautiful morning. The other day as I head to work in Long Island it is not that cold. It was a nice lovely morning actually. I stopped by 7 elven to have something to eat at work and then I was on my way to City Bank to wait for a while before work. Lovelies I remember reading about Bobby Brown son dying and thinking tomorrow is truly madly deeply never promised. You just never truly madly deeply know what will happen next. Nonetheless you can always control your reaction to your very own perfectly imperfect problems. Lovelies life is truly madly deeply whatever you make of it. Similarly you become whatever you think about. Every so often Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel it is not how many times you fall but rather how many times you get right back up mmmmmmmmm ya. Lovelies fall into your happily ever after.
Sometimes your ability to get up after a substantial fall from your perfectly imperfect happily ever after is a beautiful wonderful test of how much you truly madly deeply want to live your dream instead of just dreaming your perfectly imperfect forevermore. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I saw your fall from last years past of broken dreams. The merry go round of broken dreams was the steepest it has ever been. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel hold on tight my darling. The next stop is yours to your very own happily ever after. Don’t close your beautiful blue eyes Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Keep them open to all the wonderful possibilities that is heading your Franchy way mmmmmmmmm ya. Carpe diem seize the day this is your wonderful beautiful life enjoy it to the fullest with all your heart. Ya World Fitters I’m enjoying my life to its Franchy fullest. I’m truly madly deeply trying not to worry as much. Ya Lovelies as life happens. For instance I was heading to work World Fitters when I just fall down and hurt my knee and my Franchy body. This is the second time I have injured my frantastic knee. As I was heading to work I was not too sure if I would be able to work with a hurt knee. I was truly madly deeply thinking about going home. Nevertheless I went through way too much trouble trying to get to work to just take it easy. So I completed my eight hour shift the best I could with my Franchy condition mmmmmmmmm ya. Lovelies I falled and got back up! I did not give up! That is what truly madly deeply count. I truly madly deeply want Frans Online Business INC and Francesca Etheart INC to be a success and help beautiful blue eyed Angels like you all. Have a Lovely day. Be blue be you mmmmmmmmm ya.