Sometimes your deficiency of self love can take you on a never ending merry go round of broken dreams. Of which last years past of broken dreams are continually playing from the back drop from the mist of eternal discontent. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel just look at you Lovely. Your blue eyes as bright as ever. Your reddish brown dread locks hanging softly down your back. Your brownish pink lips oh so perfectly imperfectly shaped into the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel since you have found the true meaning of your very own happily ever after. You have truly madly deeply been the happiest you have ever been mmmmmm ya. Lovely you deserve every bit of happiness be blue be you. Don’t dream your life live your dream I love you.

Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters

How are you? I’m ok actually. I hope you are good as well. Today I have a very nice day planed with my beautiful sister Elizabeth Etheart. World Fitters my sister have brought a new apartment which is great for her. It is in a beautiful new neighborhood moreover she has a very good job she is very happy with. I’m really happy that everything is going better with my sister. As you know I’m from the beautiful Island Haiti. Haiti is very poor consequently life when I was living there was not easy. For instance back then juice was a luxury that we didn’t always have. Honestly I truly madly deeply feel that I’m a better person after going through that entire ordeal. I learn not to take a lot for granted. To feel blessed even for the little things. However I feel me growing up with not much have some what affected my self-esteem. For instance my lack of self love have taken me on a never ending merry go round of broken dreams forevermore.

Sometimes your deficiency of self love can take you on a never ending merry go round of broken dreams. Of which last years past of broken dreams are continually playing from the back drop from the mist of eternal discontent. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel just look at you Lovely. Your blue eyes as bright as ever. Your reddish brown dread locks hanging softly down your back. Your brownish pink lips oh so perfectly imperfectly shaped into the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel since you have found the true meaning of your very own happily ever after. You have truly madly deeply been the happiest you have ever been mmmmmm ya. Lovely you deserve every bit of happiness be blue be you. Don’t dream your life live your dream I love you. Ya World Fitters my lack of self esteem really have taken a toll on my perfectly imperfect forevermore. For example, my physical appearance. World Fitters if you don’t love all your perfect imperfections you can not look your very best. How you look have a very strong determination on how you feel about yourself. More specifically I’m referring to my now long dread locks. I must confess I have not been taking the best care of my beautiful babies. I have been listening to the negative feedback from my mother, late grandmother, and my ex boyfriend. I should not have listened I should of trust in myself but I just did not have any self love World Fitters. I know I need to change and take better care of myself not just my business. Now that I truly madly deeply love myself I will definitely practice self care. You do the same Lovelies take care of all your perfect imperfections. I love you all deeply. Have a lovely day or night in the world mmmmmm ya.


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