Sometimes we don’t have all day or even a few seconds. We have to try to make the most of the amount of time we have on this perfectly imperfect world. For as we know life is truly madly deeply short. Ya our eternity at times can be very unfair. With scatter pieces of last years past of broken dreams going every which way. Consequently many Beautiful Sweet Soul Angels are filled with so many uncertainties. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel open your baby blues. Get off the merry go round of broken dreams once and for all forevermore. Don’t dream your life live your dream.
Buenos Dias (Good morning) World Fitters
How are you, como estas? I’m ok still being positive and trying to live my best life mmmmmmmmm ya. I hope you are healthy and well World Fitters. Mostly I want you to be truly madly deeply happy. In America it is truly madly deeply sad times. Many people are upset about George Floyd’s untimely death on May 25, 2020. He was a 46 year old African American man. Who was unable to breath as the police officer put his knee on his neck. He should be here right now. Smiling laughing living his very best life. Many Beautiful Sweet Soul Angels say black lives matter and they want black people to be free after all these perfectly imperfect years. While I always thought all lives matter no race is greater then the other. We all are beautiful in our own perfectly imperfect ways. God has a plan for all of us and it is up to us to open our beautiful blue eyes and see. We all can be the change Lovelies. Make the change and create your very own happily ever after. We don’t have forever nor do we have tomorrow.
Sometimes we don’t have all day or even a few seconds. We have to try to make the most of the amount of time we have on this perfectly imperfect world. For as we know life is truly madly deeply short. Ya our eternity at times can be very unfair. With scatter pieces of last years past of broken dreams going every which way. Consequently many Beautiful Sweet Soul Angels are filled with so many uncertainties. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel open your baby blues. Get off the merry go round of broken dreams once and for all forevermore. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Ya World Fitters New York has had many protests in relation to the George Floyd murder. Setting fires to cops vans breaking into stores (big and small). Stealing merchandises are some of the crazy things you hear on the news. This is madness World Fitters. I mean how does stealing and destroying local businesses going to hournner George Floyd? Consequently in reaction to the protests mayor Bill De Blasio have imposed a new curfew from 8pm to 5am. I know it is for our own good World Fitters nevertheless it still sucks. I don’t understand why can’t we all love and respect each other? I guess only we can answer that. I have a great amount of love and respect for everyone no matter what. I hope we figure this all out before it is too late. Stay blessed Lovelies have a great day mmmmmm ya.