Sometimes things are not as bad as they seem. For when you just got off the merry go round of broken dreams your eternity may be clouded by the mist of unhappily ever after. You only see whatever you want to see. Constantly consistently thinking about everything that could possibly go wrong. Could’ve, should’ve, and would’ve continuously eternally dancing to last years past of broken dreams sweet sad song. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel please don’t cry. Dry your pretty baby blues. I know right now things are not as they art to be. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel have faith by the grace of God everything will be perfectly imperfectly fine. Seize the day don’t dream your life live your dream.

Buenos dias (Good morning) World Fitters

How are you? I’m ok doing another long day so as you can imagine am really tired. World Fitters imagine it’s late you are at a campfire party with your closes friends. Each one of you are telling about the most painful situation you’ll have ever been through and felt. When you begin to realize that after hearing about your other friends story of getting off the merry go round of broken dreams. Your perfectly imperfect life is truly madly deeply not that bad as you originally suspected . Things could always be worst but by the grace of God they aren’t. Lovelies open you blue eyes and see how lovely you truly could be if you could avoid the merry go round of broken dreams for eternity. Life is whatever you make of it Lovely. Never ever close your beautiful blue eyes to this frantastic truth. Be blue be you I love you so my darling mmmmmm ya.

Sometimes things are not as bad as they seem. For when you just got off the merry go round of broken dreams your eternity may be clouded by the mist of unhappily ever after. You only see whatever you want to see. Constantly consistently thinking about everything that could possibly go wrong. Could’ve, should’ve, and would’ve continuously eternally dancing to last years past of broken dreams sweet sad song. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel please don’t cry. Dry your pretty baby blues. I know right now things are not as they art to be. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel have faith by the grace of God everything will be perfectly imperfectly fine. Seize the day don’t dream your life live your dream. Lovelies at times life may seem like it is dealting you the worst hand it possibly can. Everything is all wrong nothing is quite right. Last years past of broken dreams is continuously playing in the back drop of your very own unhappily ever after. World Fitters be strong and smile. Things are not always as bad as they seem. Similarly an eternity with the bluest skies is not as far as it may seem. World Fitters create the eternal forevermore you truly madly deeply wish to have for eternity. Never ever pass your perfectly imperfect life driver seat to any other Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. This is your life and it truly madly deeply isn’t that bad if you are able to look through the mist of broken dreams. Be blue, be you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Have a wonderful beautiful day Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel.


Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel smile all your worries and fears away. As we know nothing last forever except the love one have for oneself. ??????

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