Sometimes life in itself is a merry go round of broken dreams. With last years past of a broken dream continually making its perfectly imperfect entrance mmmmmmmm ya. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel here you are once again another year is coming to its own perfectly imperfect end and you are becoming more beautiful with each perfectly imperfect passing moment. The Holliday’s and happily ever afters are here once more to brighten your beautiful blue eyes. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I just wanted you to know you have always been the most perfectly imperfect present I have ever received. You’re truly madly deeply a beautiful wonderful present and I love you so. Lovely enjoy every breath that you take and every step towards your very own perfectly imperfect happily ever after.

Buenos dias (good morning) World Fitters

Hi Lovelies! How are you doing this beautiful wonderful morning? I’m ok and am somewhat getting use to my new perfectly imperfect work situation. That’s life isn’t it? You just keep living and keep keeping it on. For example, you Lovelies know I’m not a fan at all of the winter wonderland of New York city yet somehow I get through and continue living my perfectly imperfect life ya. Likewise World Fitters whatever hard ship you are currently going through have faith it will be alright. After all the merry go round of broken dreams always provides you an escape to your very own perfectly imperfect happily ever after. Mmmmmmmmm ya Lovelies.

Ya World Fitters the holidays of happily ever after are on its very own perfectly imperfect way. Next Thursday will be Thanksgiving. Then black Friday will be making a beautiful blue splash. Lovelies to be absolutely honest I’m not sure what to expect this year for the holidays. Certainly things will be relatively different because of Covid. Though I truly madly deeply hope the disease doesn’t completely destroy our holiday Spirits. I still want everyone to have a wonderful holiday and to celebrate the hopeful wonderful New Year. Lovelies ya I know many of us maybe going through a really difficult time because of Covid-19. For instance many American people still not working and collecting unemployment. Lovelies this too shall pass. It will be ok I’m here for you all. That is truly madly deeply why I created Franchys Daily Dose of Self Love to support my lovely World Fitters. I truly madly deeply love you all. We are perfectly imperfect family of hope. Have a wonderfully beautiful day Lovelies.


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