Sometimes you so busy seeing what you want to see. You miss all the beautiful wonderful moments that makes this perfectly imperfect life worth living. For instance A Beautiful Sweet Little Angel with the bluest eyes staring intently at you with no words but a lot of heart. You realize your own intuition of being a mother while day dreaming on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel last years past of broken dreams has done nothing to take away your natural beauty. In fact your more beautiful now more then ever. Your brownish pinkish lips slowly curving to a smile. Your blond hair falling perfectly down your waist. Your beautiful physique taking my breath away with every step I take to our very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you. Be the mother you always were meant to be. Carpe diem seize the day love your self for eternity.
Selamat Pagi (Good morning) World Fitters
Hi Lovelies. How are you? I’m doing awesome. I’ve been sick but am getting better thankfully. I hope you are doing great and are truly madly deeply happy ya. Ya Lovelies as I said I have been unwell as I have been going through my women issues. Bloating, fatigue, headache are some of the things I have been experiencing lately. I try to take some medication and it was unsuccessful. Today my menstrual cycle was 6 days late and it finally came. When I was being intimate with the opposite sex I would of been very worried about being six days late. I would definitely think I’m pregnant. Nonetheless you Lovelies know it has been 3 years with no intimacy so needless to say I was not worry. World Fitters I took some pictures and videos with my bloated belly and I must say I truly looked pregnant. People were seeing what they wanted to see that I put back on the weight and am no longer on my self love journey. But all I could truly madly deeply see was a Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel with a perfectly imperfect body mmmmmm ya.
Sometimes you so busy seeing what you want to see. You miss all the beautiful wonderful moments that makes this perfectly imperfect life worth living. For instance A Beautiful Sweet Little Angel with the bluest eyes staring intently at you with no words but a lot of heart. You realize your own intuition of being a mother while day dreaming on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel last years past of broken dreams has done nothing to take away your natural beauty. In fact your more beautiful now more then ever. Your brownish pinkish lips slowly curving to a smile. Your blond hair falling perfectly down your waist. Your beautiful physique taking my breath away with every step I take to our very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you. Be the mother you always were meant to be. Carpe diem seize the day love your self for eternity. Lovelies one night after work I was on the merry go round of broken dreams. I saw my self with two children on my lap sleeping and the other one siting with my husband. Similarly while brushing my teeth I see a child holding on to my leg as I walk. I love children and for a long time I just wanted to get married and start my own family. I just wanted to find true love. Nonetheless I just went from one bad relationship to the next. I never got pregnant. Now as I head to my forties I’m beginning to think it wont happen for me. Lovelies I truly madly deeply hope I’m wrong . I want to find love and to have wonderful beautiful children. Pray for me Lovelies my Beautiful Sweet Soul Angels are my happily ever after mmmmmmmmm ya.