Sometimes you are truly madly deeply sleep walking through your perfectly imperfect life. While day dreaming on the merry go round of broken dreams. Last years past of broken dreams are playing in a carousal of your sweet beautiful dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel please stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are truly beautiful and deserve much more. Why is it that you just can’t see? Darling carpe diem seize the day create your very own happily ever after now and forevermore. I love you Sweet Darling.
Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful mesmerizing Nice France.
Hi, Lovelies. What’s going on? I’m doing alright can’t complain. Trying my best and really working hard ya. Ya, I have been working really hard lately Lovelies. As I really want to get out of the absolute horrid situation that I’m currently in. I have been praying and thinking Lovelies. My sleep has been affected by my constant worrying. I recently changed my sleeping back to 10 pm. As a model, my beauty is very important. We all know sleeping and beauty go hand in hand Sweet Lovelies. So I took the Franchy initiative to make getting better sleep a top priority. Consequently making my sweet health of top importance. Every so often I truly madly deeply want to stop sleepwalking through life and begin creating my happily ever after mmmmmmmmm ya.
Sometimes you are truly madly deeply sleepwalking through your perfectly imperfect life. While daydreaming on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Last year’s past of broken dreams are playing in a carousel of your sweet beautiful dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel please stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, you are truly beautiful and deserve much more. Why is it that you just can’t see? Darling carpe diem seize the day and create your very own happily ever after now and forevermore. I love you, Sweet Darling. Ya Lovelies I just recently changed my sleeping time back to 10 pm. Ya, I was sleeping when everyone else was awake and awake while everyone else was sleeping. Which truly madly deeply made it hard to do anything really. Additionally, I never felt well-rested. Moreover, I felt stressed. Sweet Lovelies something had to change truly and I made the change finally. Lovelies so many of us underestimate the benefits of a good night’s sleep. When it comes to it when you sleep well you are well. Not sleeping well can have a negative lasting effect on your perfectly imperfect body. Take care Lovelies. Give your perfectly imperfect body the rest it truly longs for. Love yourself enough and dance to your very own happily ever after. I love you ya.