Sometimes no matter how hard you truly madly deeply try to create your very own happily ever after you’re often left breathless by last years past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I surprisingly saw you day dreaming while riding the merry go round of broken dreams. Your wonderful blue eyes shining ever so brightly and hopeful. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I truly madly deeply love you so much. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Your happily ever after is waiting mmmmmmmmmm ya.
guten Morgen (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning and many blessings to you from beautiful intriguingly awesome Vienna Austria.
Hi Lovelies how are you? Today I’m doing good praise, God. I’m truly madly deeply trying to live my best life ever mmmmmmmmmm ya. Hope you all are truly well and happy ya. Lovelies I have to tell you how frustrated I have been in the past few days. I mean I need to work on the phone and talk to my customers but my phone is still truly madly deeply not working. I have called countless times about the same issue and yet nothing has been fixed. I understand the importance of being patient Lovelies. I have been just that each time I called. They tell me this they tell me that. A never unending whirlwind of many broken promises on the merry-go-round of broken dreams is what I truly madly deeply have been experiencing Lovelies. Sweet Lovelies every so often no matter how much sacrifices and hard you work your happily ever after is right here waiting for you forevermore. Nevertheless, you know what no matter what I love you?
Sometimes no matter how hard you truly madly deeply try to create your very own happily ever after you’re often left breathless by last year’s past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I surprisingly saw you daydreaming while riding the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Your wonderful blue eyes shine ever so brightly and hopeful. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I truly madly deeply love you so much. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Your happily ever after is waiting mmmmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies as of late things have truly madly deeply been hard for me. It seems the more I try to get my perfectly imperfect life together the more life truly happens. I wanted to support and inspire you Lovelies to never give up and never give in. Keep trying to create the life you truly madly always wanted. No, it won’t be easy or even fair. Sweet Lovelies there are times I find myself asking why me? Why does my life truly madly deeply have to be so complicated? Why I couldn’t be born with a beautiful silver spoon in my mouth? The truth is World Fitters I truly believe I’m a better person because of all the things I have been through. All my life I had to work hard to get the things I needed and wanted. My mother was at times neglectful when I was a child and I never had a father. This is why I have been taking care of myself since I was 16 years old. By the time I was 27 I had my own apartment. Lovelies I’m grateful even for the hard times I have experienced and the many heartbreaks that kept me up crying at night. Life is whatever you make of it Lovelies and I will continue fighting for the life I want. You do the same Sweet Lovelies never ever give up. I love you all have a blessed day mmmmmmmm ya.