Sometimes your very own happily ever after is just a stop away on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. With last year’s past of broken dreams wonderful lullaby playing in the infinite backdrop of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel let me kiss away your sweet tears of hopes and dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your beautiful dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream ya. For you are my happily ever after and I love you so.
Bonjour (Good morning ) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful peaceful Nice France.
Hi Lovelies how are you all doing this beautiful lovely morning in Tinseltown? To be honest I’m not doing so well Lovelies. Ya, it is not a happy life. Today my perfectly imperfect life truly madly deeply got the best of me ya. I was supposed to blog and go live but was just too depressed to do anything really ya. Ya was just really despondent and could truly madly see no way out. I just kept watching a lifetime show trying not to think about my perfectly imperfect problems. Wondering where my happily ever after was.
Sometimes your very own happily ever after is just a stop away on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. With last year’s past of broken dreams wonderful lullaby playing in the infinite backdrop of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel let me kiss away your sweet tears of hopes and dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your beautiful dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream ya. For you are my happily ever after and I love you so. Ya Lovelies today was an absolutely horrid day for me. I was just stressing so much that I ended up with a headache. The unfortunate part was truly that I had to work even while experiencing the headache and the heartache. Luckily my boyfriend called me later on in the day and cheered me up. Ya Lovelies I remembered that it was truly madly deeply ok not to be ok. I was eventually able to calm down and go on with my perfectly imperfect day. I have started meditating again and listening to motivational podcasts again as things are really difficult for me as of now Sweet Lovelies. Of course, it always helps to have someone at your corner to help you and just listen to you. Today that was my boyfriend for me. Ya, I cried and I truly madly deeply accepted my perfect imperfections Lovelies. If you are also going through a difficult situation have sweet hope and know everything will be truly alright. I’m here for you always and I love you all ya. Have a blessed day and be merry.