Sometimes you truly madly deeply wished that your happily ever after was created once upon a midsummer night stream. The beautiful dark blue skies were full of stars. Of which you picked one and close your beautiful blue eyes and made a wish. Then suddenly you woke up to find yourself on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. You look around you and see last year’s past of broken dreams all around you on a continuous whirlwind of broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize the day carpe diem let’s pray that tomorrow is everlasting. Sweet dream Sweet Lovely.
शुभ प्रभात (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning and many blessings to you from frantasticly intriguingly beautiful Nepal.
Hi Lovelies and how are you doing this lovely morning ya? I’m doing ok just feeling a bit unwell ya. Ya, my woman issues always truly interfere with my very own happily ever after. Nevertheless, we all just must love the life we live and live the life we love. I truly madly deeply hope you all are having an awesome day mmmmmmmmm ya. Lovelies have you ever felt like you were daydreaming all day? Like something would happen then immediately be followed by a wonderfully wanderlust awesome daydream. Lovelies we all have ideas of how we want to really live our lives and what we truly want to do. Nevertheless, the happily ever afters that we wished for was never created once upon a midsummer night stream.
Sometimes you truly madly deeply wished that your happily ever after was created once upon a midsummer night stream. The beautiful dark blue skies were full of stars. Of which you picked one and close your beautiful blue eyes and made a wish. Then suddenly you woke up to find yourself on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. You look around you and see last year’s past of broken dreams all around you on a continuous whirlwind of broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize the day carpe diem let’s pray that tomorrow is everlasting. Sweet dream Sweet Lovely. Lovelies have you ever opened your beautiful blue eyes the very next morning? When you sit up with the most absolutely beautiful smile on your face. You just had the most amazing dream. Everything was truly madly deeply perfectly imperfect. You were truly living your dream instead of dreaming your life. You really wanted your dream to come true and you never wanted to wake up to your very own perfectly imperfect reality. Nevertheless, we can’t sleep for eternity Sweet Lovelies. For we are not sleeping beauty waiting for our prince charming to wake us up to our very own happily ever after mmmmmmm ya. Lovelies happily ever after means so much to different wonderful beautiful people. Ya your happily ever after is what you make of it Sweet Lovelies. So make it really special and beautiful. Create a happily ever after like no one has ever seen before. Sing, dance, and laugh like your the only Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Be merry and be well Sweet Lovely. I truly madly deeply love you. Stay safe and I will see you for another Franchy Tomorrow ya.