Sometimes everything and anything seems impossible. Nothing seems achievable except inevitable failure. Last years past of broken dreams continuously playing over and over on the merry go round of broken dreams. Your blue eyes open wide waiting for the perfect opportunity that seemingly is never coming. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel did anyone ever tell you life is whatever you make of it? Nothing gets done without any honest effort. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel your beauty is not all that you posses. You also posses the most beautiful heart and the most beautiful mind. Believe in your dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmm ya.
Buenos dias (Good morning) World Fitters
Como estas, estas bien World Fitters? I of course am doing frantastic. It’s brand new blue sort of day ya. Full of all the possibilities in the world. For as you Lovelies know life is whatever you make of it. This is your life you are in the driver seat to your very own forevermore. It is truly madly deeply up to you how you will get to your very own happily ever after mmmmmm ya. Nonetheless there is this dark cloud that is always looming in the back ground of your very own happily ever after. Like the total eclipse of the sun over taking the beautiful light from deep within. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel believe in yourself nothing is impossible you just have to be willing to give it an honest try ya.
Sometimes everything and anything seems impossible. Nothing seems achievable except inevitable failure. Last years past of broken dreams continuously playing over and over on the merry go round of broken dreams. Your blue eyes open wide waiting for the perfect opportunity that seemingly is never coming. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel did anyone ever tell you life is whatever you make of it? Nothing gets done without any honest effort. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel your beauty is not all that you posses. You also posses the most beautiful heart and the most beautiful mind. Believe in your dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmm ya. World Fitters I can understand we at times get in the mood of doing absolutely nothing as we don’t feel we would make much of a difference. Followed by feelings of insecurities and worthlessness. Feelings of nothing is possible becomes so overwhelming. Like a long hard summer shower that feels never ending. So much so that you begin to drown in your very own self pity. Lovelies you become what you think about. If all you can see is darkness then there is just no room for any light. You have to let in enough light so that you can go on living your very best life ever mmmmmm ya. Have a very lovely day be blue be you.