Sometimes last years past of broken dreams keeps inescapably leading you to the merry go round of broken dreams. Your blue eyes so dim. Your sweet smile clench into a grimace of unforgettable misdeeds. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel did someone ever told you that life is whatever you make of it? Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you can’t ever see the beautiful rainbow of hope without the rain. Life is beautiful if you can look past the many broken dreams that line up your perfectly imperfect forevermore. Don’t let fear keep you from your dreams blue eyed angel. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmm ya.
Bonjour Lovelies (Good morning ) World Fitters
World Fitters as usual life is passing by so quickly. I can’t believe we are more then a half way done with the year. Next thing we know it will be 2021. Lovelies whenever I think about my age I truly madly deeply feel a really huge disconnect. To me my age is truly just a number and it really doesn’t say much about me ya. In my perfectly imperfect mind I’m still a teenager and still believe I can be whatever I want to be. Nevertheless I’m heading slowly to my 40’s. This year I will be turning 38 years old. World Fitters I have said many times that this year will be the year! In light of the Coronavirus and all of broken souls that was unable to see the summer and all its familiarities. I really have to work on my dreams mmmmmmmmmm ya. Lovelies though I can still feel last years past of broken dreams sneaking in. Not letting me forget how many times I had said this before. My lips trembling as I got on the merry go round of broken dreams. Seriously Francesca are we back to this I thought to my self as I reluctantly sit down not sure when this will end.
Sometimes last years past of broken dreams keeps inescapably leading you to the merry go round of broken dreams. your blue eyes so dim. Your sweet smile clench into a grimace of unforgettable misdeeds. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel did someone ever told you that life is whatever you make of it? Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you can’t ever see the beautiful rainbow of hope without the rain. Life is beautiful if you can look past the many broken dreams that line up your perfectly imperfect forevermore. Don’t let fear keep you from your dreams blue eyed angel. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmm ya. Ya World Fitters I’m beginning to doubt myself again. The quiet voices of unforgettable failure continuingly whispering that I’m not enough. With every whisper my eyes are becoming dimmer. Suddenly skies is the limit. All I can do is lay on the grass of hope and just keep dreaming while I suspect it will never come true. Why can’t you see exactly what I see each and everyday? A Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel that deserve the world and my heart. Everyday you work so hard. Creating your own perfectly imperfect life. Don’t you ever give in. Always remember only when you stop you fail mmmmmm ya. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel carpe diem seize the day enjoy every last breath for this one may be your last. Have a lovely day or night in the world mmmmmmmmm ya.