Hi, Lovelies good morning to you from beautiful wonderful New York my home sweet home ya. Lovelies as of late I have been feeling very despondent. My low self-esteem melody of many broken promises eternally playing on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Nevertheless I truly madly deeply know no matter how bad things may seem in my very perfectly imperfect world. I know truly things can always be worst. Today when I came across Mal Lewis video about Bre that truth was realized. I found out that Bre has been beaten and set on fire by a group of teenagers. Oh, Lovelies my sweet heart truly madly deeply dropped. Why would anyone or any children for that matter do this?
Lovelies this is a question that truly madly deeply may never be realized. Maybe the teens were just bored and wanted some excitement at someone’s expanse. A little about Bre she is a drug addict currently living on the streets of Kensington Pennsylvania. She went to school and graduated to become a specialist in audio diseases. Nevertheless, at some point, she took a wrong turn and ended up addicted to drugs. There have been rumors that she has been killed then this happened and she became injured. I myself have yelled the warnings of drugs and have never done any drugs. I don’t even drink alcohol. I’m truly madly deeply a good girl and know there are always consequences. Nevertheless, I never judge. There was something missing in Bre’s life that made her turn to drugs. That made her give up on her sweet dreams. Nonetheless, no one deserves to be set on fire no matter what they did. We all truly madly deeply deserve a second chance. Sweet Lovelies lets say a prayer for sweet Bre. May her wounds heal and her head clears off all the drugs destroying her perfectly imperfect life. If you are also suffering from addiction get the help you need before it is too late. Love yourself enough to stop dreaming your life and began living your dream. I love you all be well.
I created another article to truly madly deeply support Bre/Alyssa. No, I did not know her personally nonetheless her frantastic story touch my Franchy heart. To read the other blog post follow here => https://www.myearninglifegog82.com/2022/06/a-prayer-for-our-angel-bre.html