Sometimes words are truly madly deeply not enough to suffice my very Franchy gratitude Lovelies. I truly appreciate all your loving support throughout the years that I have been online. As mention before this is our self love birthday month. Thank you for showing me much love. I love you too.

Truly Love You.
That’s right I do love you all truly madly deeply. Without you all my businesses would not exist allowing me to live my Franchy dreams. Lovelies writing and getting paid for it has always been a dream of mine. Back then only my sister Patricia would read my perfectly imperfect Franchy words. I would write in my notebooks and put my Franchy dreams away in a box. My dream was partially realized when I join the poetry club while in Canarsie High School. I was able to share my poetry with other like minded teenagers at that time. We would also go on trips where I would read to other people. My first time I got publish was when I was 12 years of age when I won the writing contest for my school. Needless to say writing is and will always be part of who I’m. With that said from time to time expect to see some poetry and little Franchy pieces of me stories. Nevertheless the regardless the theme will always be self love and loving all your perfect imperfections. I’m sure after going through the content of my website you notice some things not normally in other weight loss/self love blogs. I’ll have you all know that is absolutely intentional I love being different. Likewise your very own self love journey is also only specific to you. There is only one you and what a wonderful person you are.

Our Perfect Imperfections.
That is right I’m perfectly imperfect I have made a lot of mistakes in my perfectly imperfect life. I’m sure I will continue doing so as time goes on. My most notable mistakes of meeting the wrong guys and giving my sweet heart to the wrong Beautiful Sweet Soul Angels. For example, the African men I met while streaming on You Now who was just using me. I used to be ashamed at how naïve I truly am but I realize I just really have a beautiful heart of hope. I love everyone. Nonetheless I have learn to be more careful with whom I give access to my sweet heart. Lovelies never be ashamed of your perfect imperfections it is ok to make mistakes and to not be ok. We are all perfectly imperfect and that is truly madly deeply beautiful.
My Beauty
Yes I know I’m an attractive women though I did not always see my very own natural beauty. Which in-advertly created this beautifully wonderful site. Lovelies I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. For instance I needed to put on the weight so that people would make fun of my body making me feel bad enough to want to help other Lovelies going through the same thing. On our self love month I wanted to reiterate that no this blog is not just about losing weight or loving ourselves. This web-blog is about all our inner demons that hold us back from living our very own happily ever after’s. So Lovelies when you come here expect the unexpected. To be honest my content is all over the place just like me and that is ok. Nevertheless love yourself and all your perfect imperfections is always my special Franchy message to you.

There Is More To Come.
Ya Lovelies I’m currently updating this site for the better. To mark our 6 years of being online. May we truly madly deeply have many more years. I would love to know what you think. Drop me a line or two. ????