Good morning Lovelies. How are you all doing this lovely day? I’m okay other than I really feel crappy. This is of course after my Franchy marathon of no sleep the previous day. World Fitters I truly madly deeply feel awful. My body hurts and I was having a really strong pain in my stomach and was having a bit difficulty of breathing. Ya Lovelies my whole body was truly madly deeply screaming please don’t ever do this to us again we need sleep.

Lovelies as you guys may know the reason I do these long marathons is that I really need to catch up with some work for my business as I’m behind. Losing sleep to achieve something great is rarely frowned upon. As a matter of fact, it is rewarded. For example, I remember I was watching a motivational video about working hard and living your dreams. One of the things he mentioned was sometimes you are going to have to lose sleep in order to be successful. Nonetheless, I’m going to have to politely disagree. Sleep is needed in order to run a successful business and a successful life. Today I was looking at the bad side effects of not getting sleep. The speaker compared being very tired to being drunk. Ya going to work really tired is like going to work drunk. Life for me can be complicated at times. The sort of work I do is like I’m constantly working. It’s not like I do 9 to 5 and I’m finished with my Franchy work. Which is fine Lovelies as I said I always wanted to work on my very own beautiful sweet dreams. Nevertheless, I have to work in some sleeping time somehow. Since the way, I feel today was not good at all. Maybe I should do a blog about getting a good night’s sleep. Until then Lovelies take care of your own sweet health and be well. Be good to your perfectly imperfect body and it will be good to you. Stay blessed always and have a great day ya.

Lovelies get a great night’s sleep and take care mmmmmmmm ya. I love you all be well. ?????