Tag Archives: a franchy blog plan

Franchys Midwinter Stream Update.

Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing? I’m doing well truly madly deeply can’t complain. I was on a short break which really was not a break as I still had to work. It was more like a transition period Lovelies. What was I transitioning from you may want to ask? Well Sweet Lovelies it was a writing transition. I love this blog and it is really close to my Franchy heart. As my blog was truly madly deeply created in a place of pure love. Nevertheless, I love all my websites just the same none more than the other. Which is why I would like to announce my Franchy masterpiece blog plan.

As I said previously the many days off I had was just a transition. I’m transitioning to a whole new phase in my very own perfectly imperfect business. I want to succeed and create our very own physical safe place. Beauties from the beginning I never intended to just have an online business. I always wanted a physical building. I will make it happen Lovelies. In addition, I do also want my very own frantastic app. I have so many beautiful blue dreams that I’m working diligently to make a Franchy reality. I’m not getting any younger so the time is right now, and it all starts with this frantastic writing transition. Care to join me Lovelies? It is always because of you all and I’m truly madly deeply eternally grateful. Continuously dreaming of my perfectly imperfect life is no longer an option. 2022 is here and I’m ready, are you? Have a truly lovely blessed day Lovelies mmmmmmmm ya.