Sometimes your health and happily ever after are truly madly deeply interchangeable Sweet Lovely. For truly Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as I lay my perfectly imperfect head and closed my beautiful blue eyes is all I can think of. Your beauty and happiness is all I dream of. While day dreaming a wanderlust of happily ever after. On the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel don’t let last years past of broken dreams portrayal of an never ending eternal mist of many broken promises seize your happily ever after forevermore. Every so often you have to live your dreams the very best you can and seize every moment like it is truly your last. I love you be blue and be well. Listen to your bodies very own perfectly imperfect wanderlust of a happily ever after mmmmmmmmmm ya.
Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from Paris France.
Hi Lovelies, how are you? Well to be honest I have been better Lovelies. Sweet Lovelies of course my better days are special. I have been having this perfectly imperfect headache for three days now. I truly madly deeply hope you Lovelies are frantastic and are not experiencing any discomforts at the moment. Ya World Fitters not to sure what is causing the headaches at the moment. I remember in 2017 of December I fall and hit my head pretty badly. I was in a lot of pain trying to get better. The headache’s I’m now experiencing truly feel similar but may not be. Nevertheless I have not been able to work because of the headaches. World Fitters I really need to take better care of myself and all of my perfect imperfections. My health is of upmost importance and is truly madly deeply interchangeable with my perfectly imperfect happily ever after.
Sometimes your health and happily ever after are truly madly deeply interchangeable Sweet Lovely. For truly Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as I lay my perfectly imperfect head and closed my beautiful blue eyes is all I can think of. Your beauty and happiness is all I dream of. While day dreaming a wanderlust of happily ever after. On the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel don’t let last years past of broken dreams portrayal of an never ending eternal mist of many broken promises seize your happily ever after forevermore. Every so often you have to live your dreams the very best you can and seize every moment like it is truly your last. I love you be blue and be well. Listen to your bodies very own perfectly imperfect wanderlust of a happily ever after mmmmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies I truly madly deeply need to listen to my body more so then not. Having this headache on and off the last couple of days has been absolutely horrid. More over my stomach constant bloatedness certainly doesn’t help either. I know it is definitely my perfectly imperfect water in take that is causing the issue. Lovelies I’m looking forward to making some changes soon. As I approach my 39 birthday I will try to be the best me as possible. What about yourself how has your health been? Do you have some suggestion on how to drink more water so that we all could be heathier? As I said many wanderlust time this blog is all for you and me. Anytime you have something you would like to share comment below or contact me directly. I truly love you all have a bless day.