Hi Lovelies how are you all doing? I’m doing well trying to do the very best that I can ya. I truly madly deeply hope you are doing well too. Today I wanted to share my poetry with you all. As you all may know it is my dream to publish many books. Until then I will share my poetry with you all via my blogs. Visit https://www.myearninglifegog82.com/ and Franchys Poems and Short Stories (writingmyverybeststory.blogspot.com) for more great poetry. I truly madly deeply love you all. Let me know what you think leave me a lovely comment below mmmmmmmmmm ya.

Enjoy this wanderlust of my Poetry Sweet Lovelies:
I see you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel your blue eyes are glistening full of many wonderfully beautiful hopes and dreams.
Though I know last years past of broken dreams has never been too kind.
With the merry go round of broken dreams never too far behind patiently waiting for any misstep or perhaps a fall from right out of haven.
Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel for haven is what you truly madly deeply are.
A face right out of a magazine and a body with curves nothing like the highest mountains I have ever seen.
Nevertheless each and every night you close your beautiful blue eyes that are stained with self doubt and lack of faith deep within your soul.
Why do you cry Sweet Lovely? If you truly madly deeply are not happy with your very own happily ever after get off the merry go round of broken dreams forevermore.
Don’t dream your life live your dream. For this is your life and you must live the life that you truly want now and eternally forevermore.
This life is short and full of many unpredictability. With tomorrow never being promised and every breath could righteously be your very last.
Always love yourself Sweet Lovelies. I love you.
From Francesca Etheart with sweet love: This poem is dedicated to anyone going through a hard time. Have faith things will get better all you have to do is just believe in your dreams. For nothing last forever not even this difficult time you are going through. Open you blue eyes to all the beautiful wonderful possibilities that is this perfectly imperfect life of yours. Always remember to be blue, be you.