Hello World Fitters!
World Fitters I’ve said it many times we should all love our bodies, should I have added except morbidly obese people? Should loving yourself have some sort of cutting of point? I say this because many people look down on obese people when they say they love their bodies. The people that I will be dedicating this blog post to didn’t love their body. Their self hatred lead to their untimely death. In this article I will be discussing the untimely deaths of three very special women and men Dominique Lanoise, Sharon Mevsimler, Manuel Uribe. We shall begin with loveable Sharon.
Sharon lived the last 6 months of her life in a nursing home, back to the life she was trying so hard to get away from. She went from one extreme to another extreme, now her children no longer have a loving mother. This story broke my heart each time that I saw the show. I cry for Sharon and the skinny girl that was crying to come out.

I’m sure deep inside us we all have a skinny person inside each of us that is screaming to come out. Despite what anyone say I don’t think anyone wants to be so big that they can’t no longer move around. The thought of being inside my house for one day during the summer is a little devastating. I Love being able to move freely, I can’t imagine a life where I can’t move and am completely dependent on others.
World Fitters this blog is a bit different, there will be different parts to this frantastic story because I can’t tell the whole story in one article. What I’m gonna do is explore the life of a morbidly obese person and let them tell their own story. Come along on this lovely trip, see you there!