Category Archives: Love Your Body

Franchys I’m back to back

Hello World Fitters!

It’s been a while hasn’t it, did you miss me? Well I definitely miss you guys how have you been? I myself been great creating my perfectly imperfect body as usual. Mostly I have been on social media sharing my life  and my weight loss journey. I have a Facebook page dedicated to you guys it’s called Franchys Body perfection.  I’m on there regularly feel free to pay me a visit to get franchy back, or say what’s up.

About my weight loss, since beginning my weightloss journey on November 1, 2016 I’ve lost a total of 27 pounds. There were times that I was afraid that I would put back on the pounds by spring time like I always do but think God I have kept my weight loss. There were definitely difficult moments where I have to say no to certain foods and do extra to make up for slow days. All in all it has been a learning experience that I will forever cherish.

I cherish you all as well for supporting me through my loving my perfectly imperfect body journey. It’s taking a long time to truly love and accept myself. I share my insecurities with you because I know you have insecurities too and I figure by me sharing my story it can help you too. I hope my blog really inspires you to love yourself completely we all are beautiful in our own ways. Love yourself and always stay true to you, love you all. Have a blessed day lovelies, bye until next time.


Flowers by KmyGraphic


Thirteen Pounds Of Weight Loss Freedom

Good day World Fitters!

I’m happy to let you guys know I’ve lost 13 pounds so far during my weight loss journey. I know, I know 13 pounds doesn’t seem like much it certainly doesn’t seem like something that I need to celebrate. Wrong, you should celebrate any pounds lost because losing weight is not easy.

Loving me, that’s the way to be.

It certainly wasn’t easy saying goodbye to my favorite foods or getting my butt up and exercising when I didn’t really want to. You know sometimes you want to relax and grab your favorite food and enjoy life. That was my intentions when I first decided to stop starving myself. I didn’t intend on putting on as much weight as I did. In my highest recorded weight I was 173 pounds at 5’5 when I was thin I was approximately 5’3 130 pounds that is a total of 43 pounds of weight gain.

Wow World Fitters I can’t believe I just told all of you my weight. For many months my weight gain have been a source of great shame and regret. Many people kept openly telling me about their disappointment in my weight gain. Now my weight gain is a source of great strength and perseverance. I had to persevere despite all the negative opinions I was getting. It is my body my business plain and simple, I don’t care about what others think anymore.

World Fitters don’t care about what others think either. Truth be told when it comes to people opening their wallet to help you no one will volunteer their money. All they want to do is explode your head with all their opinions. World Fitters it took me a long time to trully love and appreciate all of my flaws. If you are not there yet don’t worry you will get there. I hope that each blog that I post bring you closer to loving your perfectly imperfect body. I love you all, thank you for joining me here I will see you all next time.

Stay Bless,


2017 My Body Self Discovery

Hola (Hi) World Fitters!

Today I’m feeling really good and optimistic, why is that you mate ask? Well it’s because I’ve noticed my hard work paying off. For instance yesterday after my daily walk I took a picture to remember the lovely day. I  was surprise to see the difference in my appearance in the picture. I have lost a good amount of my weight, I’m very proud of myself.

I myself am never too focus on people’s bodies and how much fat their bodies most likely contain. However others seem extremely concern on how much fat my body contains. Why is that we like to put others down rather then pick up their confidence? Since I’ve lost a bit  of weight no one is going out of their way to congratulate me on my weight lost. When I put on weight a lot of people when in and over out of their way to tell me I’ve put on weight.

My World Fitters I just wanted to tell you always love and believe in yourself. You know after talking to my freind I realize he has no idea what he is talking about. After years of listening to these negative comments about my weight gain I’ve realizes none of these people knew what they were talking about.

It took many years for me to truly madly deeply love myself. I’ve shed many tears, and let the tears seep through my business. I wanted to say from the bottom of my heart don’t let anyones opinion affect how you view yourself always love yourself! I want to wish you a frantastic week ahead, bye.

Flowers by KmyGraphic

Their Untimely Death Our Beginning Part 1

Hola (hello) World Fitters!

I see that out of all my websites a large amount of my traffic seem to gravitate to this website. I believe the reason for this website’s popularity is that this website really comes from straight from my heart. I created this website because I was body shamed and I felt that was wrong and I wanted to support other people who are going through the same thing.

One such women that was struggling with her weight was Sharon Mevsimler a native of Great Britain. For most of her youth Sharon  was of normal weight, nevertheless by the time she got married her weight started to pile on her 5’2 body. As some of you may know a short frame body does not carry extra weight well. Who was Sharon Mevsimler and what caused her unprecedented weight issues?

Sharon Mevsimler was born on 1969 in England, from the start she witness her own mothers battle with her own weight. During her childhood Sharon’s mother Anne would put her on a diet so that she would not suffer the same weight issue as she did. For the most part it worked Sharon remained thin throughout her teen years.

A mother’s love transcend even death <3

Unfortunately after a beautiful marriage to her husband Bulent, Sharon Mevsimler begin putting on weight after giving birth to her children. While most mothers would shed the pounds after giving birth Sharon kept on the pounds and added additional weight to her short frame. Her short frame was put under its maximum string when in 2003 she could no longer fit into her scooter. Surgery seemed like it was the best solution to get Sharon’s life back on track. When “she was told the NHS had agreed to the gastric bypass” she was ecstatic and her hope of a normal life was restored.

This was Sharon in her younger days <3

Gastric Bypass My Safe Haven

By the grace of God Sharon Mevsimler surgery went well without any complications. She was able to go home after 4 days. Sharon went from 42 stone to 23 1/2 stone that is approximately half her weight. While the surgery was able to help Sharon shed the extra weight that made her so miserable however it didn’t stop the war that was going on in her head. I believe if Sharon was able to go to therapy after the surgery she may still be alive today. Sadly Sharon Mevsimler lost her life on 2010 at the age of 41. She left behind 4 children (Jayden, Paige, Emrah, Tyler), husband Bulent, and her mother Anne who loved her so much. Sharon story is a cautionary tale which tell us that there is no such thing as a quick fix. I truly believe that the wrong problem was fix.

That was her son Emrah <3


World Fitters so many of us see our weight as the problem and we try to fix that with diet and exercise. So many of us forget that our weight begins in our mind. For instance When I was being put down for my weight gain by so many people, I didn’t realize frankly I don’t  care about what they think about my body it is none of their business. The truth of the matter is it was all me. I hated myself I thought I was fat and ugly which  was exactly what I became. World Fitters the best weightloss program is to love yourself and the weight will come naturally off. Unfortunately for Sharon Mevsimler she didn’t love her perfectly imperfect self and now she is gone forever. Love yourself World Fitters have a great day!

Flowers by KmyGraphic


Their Untimely Death Our Beginning

Hello World Fitters!

World Fitters I’ve said it many times we should all love our bodies, should I have added except morbidly obese people? Should loving yourself have some sort of cutting of point? I say this because many people look down on obese people when they say they love their bodies. The people that I will be dedicating this blog post to didn’t love their body. Their self hatred lead to their untimely death. In this article I will be discussing the untimely deaths of three very special women and men Dominique Lanoise, Sharon Mevsimler, Manuel Uribe. We shall begin with loveable Sharon.

Sharon lived the last 6 months of her life in a nursing home, back to the life she was trying so hard to get away from. She went from one extreme to another extreme, now her children no longer have a loving mother. This story broke my heart each time that I saw the show. I cry for Sharon and the skinny girl that was crying to come out.

Sharon through the years <3

I’m sure deep inside us we all have a skinny person inside each of us that is screaming to come out. Despite what anyone say I don’t think anyone wants to be so big that they can’t no longer move around. The thought of being inside my house for one day during the summer is a little devastating. I Love being able to move freely, I can’t imagine a life where I can’t move and am completely dependent on others.


World Fitters this blog is a bit different, there will be different parts to this frantastic story because I can’t tell the whole story in one article. What I’m gonna do is explore the life of a morbidly obese person and let them tell their own story. Come along on this lovely trip, see you there!

Flowers by KmyGraphic

Exercise Your Imperfections, Love Your Body

Hola (hello) World Fitters!

Today was not particularly a beautiful day at Marine Park but I still made my way to do my daily work out. Working out 7 days a week in itself is challenging nonetheless we all know how important it is to maintain your perfectly imperfect shape.

First start small then achieve big obstacles!

As for my shape I’m okay with it, the only body part I struggle with the most is my frantastic baby bump. No I’m not pregnant just everyone else seems to think I’m pregnant. Sometimes I definitely don’t feel good about my body. Luckily for me exercising helps release endorphins that makes me feel so good about being imperfect.

          I’m perfect <3             “imperfect”

Yes I’m imperfect, I have rolls, stretch marks, scars, and a couple of things that I rather not mention. Nevertheless I’m okay with all of that. I remember one guy from my pass saw me at work he was quite surprised that I let myself put on weight. He made a comment I will never forget “you use to be perfect, your face is still pretty.” So now I’m not perfect I thought great! World Fitters the reason that I mentioned my pass body history is because I wanted to illustrate why you shouldn’t exercise.

You shouldn’t exercise for someone else, it’s your body take care of it because you love it. Weight loss stimulated because of someone else and  not you won’t last forever because people comes and go out of your life. Now that you are exercising because you are worth it I wanted to share some of my favorite exercises with you.

Get Moving With Franchy


Have you tried my exercises yet, if the answer is no what are you waiting for? Get your bottom off the couch and move that body. I really hope all my blog posts have inspired you to love your body and take care of your health. I love you all have a wonderful weekend, see you next time.

Flowers by KmyGraphic

Franchys Model Your Imperfections

Bonjour (Good Morning) World Fitters!

Good Morning <3

As an adolescent I idolize models, after all they are the “standard beauty.” Their thin bodies decorate every famous magazines and catalog. Well apparently my mother thought I could be a model so my mother had me call a model agency, which I did. Back then I had the “perfect body” absolutely no stomach and a thin frame essentialize with 36C breasts so I certainly had the looks. However I didn’t have the confidence so my modeling career was cut short or was it?

Bye Bye tummy hello curves.

I’ve been thinking World Fitters everything in life does eventually come to full circle. I mean everything you do in your life will one day be actualize. For example, there was a time that I really felt ugly that I could never be a model. Now I have turned to a model thanks to my websites and social media my pictures are all over the web. I remember a time that I had no pictures on the internet now there are many everywhere. Similarly there was a time that I hated my body and every stretch mark that decorated my body. Currently I love the body that is so perfectly imperfect. We all are models in the making as so perfectly stated by the below acrostic poem.

Franchys Model Your Imperfections:

More is more- The more beautiful you realize that you are the less imperfect your body seems.

Ok so I’m fat- Thank you for clearing that up for me, otherwise I couldn’t see that for myself. Yes I know models are supposed to be skinny, thanks again for bringing that to my attention.

Don’t speak- Have  you heard of the old saying “if you can’t say nothing nice don’t say anything at all?” Don’t Speak like my favorite song by No Doubt, please.

End perfection and indoctrinate imperfections- The truth is we are all trying to be perfect without realizing no one or nothing is perfect. Our imperfections are what makes us who we are, put an end to plastic surgeries and perfections.

Laugh of  the haters and that beautiful pouch- “Did you know Laughing intensely for an hour can burn as many calories as  lifting weight for 30 minutes, scientists have found?” So World Fitters don’t sweat it and laugh all the way to the scale because your weight is your business.

World Fitters Mold, Shape, and Paint your perfectly imperfect body. Far to many of us are propagandize by the bodies we see in magazines. Real women have curves, rolls, stretch marks, and some women doesn’t have any of these things and that is fine we all are beautiful. Follow the body positivity model and love you.


My weightloss

World Fitters I hope you find my many inspirational words inspiring in helping you love your body. Too many times people are putting others down for not being the standard beauty. understands your bodies struggle to fit in with this backward pressure building to be perfect world. No one is perfect and that is just fine, I love you World Fitters just as you are. Have a wonderful week, bye for now.

Flowers by KmyGraphic

Body Shaming, As If

Hello world fitters. How are you? I’m fine of course! Trying to be positive! As you guys know this web-site is all about loving yourself as you are. Like Michael Jackson says “it doesn’t matter if you fat or skinny.” Okay maybe Michael Jackson didn’t say exactly that. But I think you get the point? Right? It is my opinion that the world is obsessed with the perfect body.

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What is the perfect body? Well according to the media. The perfect body is about 125 pounds, size 38C breast, 22 inch waist, and a big back side. “Baby’s got back” an excited Sir Mix-a-lot song. So basically Nicki Minaj has the perfect body! Where does that leave the rest of us normal woman? I’ll tell you. That leaves us on an operating table getting ready to go under the knife. So that we too can have the perfect body. I think loving our body is so overrated! Nobody likes how they look. We all think there is something that needs fixing in our body. For example, “cosmetic surgery is booming worldwide as people flock to have millions of operations including breast augmentation, liposuction, and Botox.” It’s this obsession with perfection that makes Donna Simpson so unique.

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Donna Simpson was born on 1967 in Mogadore Ohio. Donna Simpson parents had 4 children of which she was the youngest. Throughout her youth she struggles with her weight. For instance by the time Donna Simpson was 9 years of age she weight approximately 184 pounds. However in her teen years Donna Simpson loss a lot of weight. she was approximately 154 pounds. Consequently it is also during that time that she decided she doesn’t want to be skinny. “Donna Simpson wants to be the worlds fattest women.” Say what? Maybe I heard wrong! That’s right Donna Simpson wants to be even bigger then she already is. She sees being curvy as sexy. That’s when Donna Simpson decided it would be a good idea to launch her website.

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In 2007 Donna Simpson rose to fame by creating a web-site. On her web-site she shares with her fans her eating habits, her waist line, and photos of her lovely body. Many man would agree with Donna Simpson to a point. A lot of man see a big women that is not too big can be sexy. Apparently while some man don’t like their women too big. Other man like their women supper sized. These man are referred to as feeders. It is these feeders that frequented Donnas web-site. For instance it is reported that by 2008 of the month of October Donna Simpson had 260 subscribers. Later in her show biz career Donna Simpson had a book deal and a reality TV in the works. In the end though after her lover Phillippe Gouamba left her. Donna Simpson decided to regain control of her life by dieting. So that she can be a better mother to her two children. Donna Simpson big size was impacting her life too much. She realize she was too big and made a change. But how big is too big? When is “fat shamming” wrong?

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 The answer is there is no universal measurement that lets you know your too big. Everyone have an opinion on what fat is? Your too big is an opinion that have many different sizes. Coincidentally women comes in different shapes and sizes. For example, I think myself as a curvy women. Here are my measurements 38C breast, 31 inch waist, and a medium size butt. That’s right world fitters. I feel comfortable enough to share with you my measurements. I feel like you are my online family. Similarly my friends and family also are familiar with my shape. When I venture more towards the fat side they let me know. But how big is too big? In my opinion only you can truly tell if your too big. So that you can make the decision to live a healthy and happy life. Always remember that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Which simply means everyone have their preference when it comes to beauty. Just because a woman’s body is not your preference. That doesn’t mean you should “fat shame” her.

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What is “fat shamming?” “Fat shamming” is the putting down of a person because of the bigness of their body. Therefore making them feel ashamed of their body. We should all love and take care of our body. We only have one body. If a person truly needs to lose weight because their health is in danger. “Body shamming” them is not the way to go. Most of us are already insecure about our body. We don’t need someone helping us hate our body. There is one women that doesn’t agree “body shamming” is wrong. As a matter of fact she made a video describing how she felt about fat people. The women I’m referring to is Nicole Arbour.

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Nicole Arbour ” is a Canadian comedian, recording artist, actress, writer, choreographer, dancer and producer from Hamilton, Ontario.” Everyone is aware of Nicole’s Arbour “fat shaming” video. It had made regular civilians as well as celebrities pretty upset. Truthfully I don’t care much for her video. It wasn’t funny or entertaining. If it was I would of said so. However I do think Nicole Arbour have a right to her opinion and a right to create her video. Just don’t take it to heart what she said. Nobody knows you and your struggles. Overeating is an addiction as well as other drugs and can turn deadly. Don’t let people put you down. Remember this blog “Body Shaming” “As If”. The bottom line is fat shamming can have devastating results. Take my story for instance.

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When I put on the weight. After being skinny for most of my life. Needless to say I was told a lot of negative things about my new body. For instance a lot of people told me about how much better I looked when I was skinny. All that negative comment made my already low self esteem plummet. I no longer felt attractive. I felt that everybody thought I was ugly. At some point I was becoming suicidal. But thank god I work through my pain. I created this site to let everyone know it’s okay to not have the perfect body. You are perfect in your imperfection. I hope my web-site is helping you. Giving you the strength to get the body you feel comfortable in. Please share with me your “fat shamming” stories below. So that you can get the support you need and deserve.

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Quick Poll:

What do you think about the Nicole Arbour “fat shaming” video?

a) I hate it.

b) I love it.

c) I think it is hilarious.

d) I really don’t care.

e) Nicole Arbour is hot.

f) No comment.

g) All the above

My Answer:

My answer is d.

My Weekly Shapely:

Hello world fitters. So it is currently September. Back to school is in full swing. It’s time to breath a sign of relief. No more kids just laying around. Now some me time! Go ahead and plan that early morning walk. That mid afternoon brunch with your friends sounds promising. While planning all these fun activities. Don’t forget to fit some exercise in your daily schedule. Fall is on its way. Follow by winter. We know winter is when most of us have problems keeping our healthy life styles. The holidays comes with more then presents. Unfortunately these special presents are not quite easily returned. That’s why it is important we continue our healthy life styles through out the winter. Don’t worry will be with you every step of the way. As for me I’m fine. I’ve reached my goal weight for September. I’ve decided no more setting a particular goal weight. I’m just going to remain consistent. That’s right world fitters be consistent in everything you do. If you do it long enough you shall succeed. Have a beautiful weekend all. Bye! Bye!





Loving Me! All Of Me!

Loving Me. All Of Me.

In a world where plastic surgery is on the rise.

Where all you see is sizes four and six in the magazines.

I challenge you to be a size twelve.

To not be the norm.

To not bleach your skin.

To throw away your weaves. And put away all your make up.

I challenge you to love yourself.

When I look in the mirror the face I’m staring at I love.

 I see strength.
 I see passion.
 I see heart ache.
 I see pain.
 I see a beautiful women who wont stop until she is all she can be.
 So look in the mirror and look at your true self.
See all the imperfections that is you.
 The big imperfection mess that you are.
 Enjoy your curves.
 Touch your body.
 Kiss your body.
You is all you have in this world.
 If you don’t love yourself no one will.
 So forget about going under the knife.
 Letting them create their idea of perfection.
We are all perfection in gods eye.
He created us just perfectly.
So look in the mirror.
Move forward pucker up.
Kiss your self.
Touch yourself.
Love yourself.
Make love to yourself.
Because tomorrow you may never get the chance.
Authors note: This is a poem for my blog. To read more of my blog please visit.