Sometimes the changing of the beautifully wonderfully true green leaves can be quite deceptive as well. With last years past of broken dreams creating a truly madly deeply dark mist of many broken promises. So much so Sweet Lovely as you ride the merry go round of broken dreams your beautiful blue eyes are clouded with so much self doubt. Moreover the melody of sweet broken promises are playing their continuous song of last years past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel remember to believe in yourself and know that everything will be alright. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel did anyone ever tell you that life is truly madly deeply what ever you make of it now and forevermore. Wont you open you true blue eyes and dance, dance to your very own happily ever after mmmmmmmmm ya. Be blue be you I love you so much.
おはようございます (Good morning) World Fitters
Hi Lovelies, how are you? I’m doing ok just trying to best handle the uncomfortability created by my women issues. I hope my Sweet Lovelies are truly happy and are doing well ya. So World Fitters as I mention before summer is coming to an end for the northern hemisphere. Kids are going back to school and soon I will have to move my daily walking’s exclusively back to my apartment. However there are times when it is not too cold in New York that I go to the park. For instance I remember a time that it finish snowing and it was not too unbearably cold so I went to the park and loved it. The snow is beautiful I think. Additionally not that much people are there like the summer months. It is mostly the locals who are there ya. Plus some of you Lovelies may know that with fall comes my perfectly imperfect birthday and my self love anniversary. As you Lovelies can see with change can truly madly deeply come some wonderfully beautiful blue happily ever afters. Nonetheless, it may not always turn out that way.
Sometimes the changing of the beautifully wonderfully true green leaves can be quite deceptive as well. With last years past of broken dreams creating a truly madly deeply dark mist of many broken promises. So much so Sweet Lovely as you ride the merry go round of broken dreams your beautiful blue eyes are clouded with so much self doubt. Moreover the melody of sweet broken promises are playing their continuous song of last years past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel remember to believe in yourself and know that everything will be alright. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel did anyone ever tell you that life is truly madly deeply what ever you make of it now and forevermore. Wont you open you true blue eyes and dance, dance to your very own happily ever after mmmmmmmmm ya. Be blue be you I love you so much. Ya Lovelies you know I prefer summer. I love laying by the beach being sure to put on some sunscreen. Nonetheless I like falls mild temperature too and the leaves changing into beautiful colors are truly amazing. Overall change is not always easy to adjust to. Moreover change can be very unpredictable. For instance maybe you just got really comfortable in your new surroundings when you realized you will have to adapt to a different eternity all over again. Nevertheless change is truly madly deeply enviable. It will happen whether we want it to or not. We must do our best to try to maintain our sanity and move on to our very own happily ever after. Lovelies I’m currently going through the same perfectly imperfect situation business wise and personally. I’m really not sure what to do. I just know it wont be easy. Wish me luck Lovelies. Remember I love you all have a blessed day or night in the world mmmmmmmm ya.