Lovelies I really do have a lot of beautiful blue dreams full of hope. I truly madly deeply look at every new day as a different possibility to stop dreaming my life and begin living my dream. In 2019 when I first lost my Facebook account I was beside myself with hurt and pain. I mean I worked so hard to create a partnership with Facebook and to lose all of that with just a few clicks of a button I was really full with so much despair. All the pages and groups I created were gone and there was not anything I could do about it. The only thing I could truly madly deeply do was create another Facebook account and create a brand new blue of me and all my perfect imperfections. I created a memorial page of my old Facebook account which is

We are all our very own beautiful Facebooks.

Facebook Futuristic Beautiful Blue Dreams
Ya Lovelies, I have created a partnership with Facebook again which is truly madly deeply awesome. I now have a total of 8 pages and two frantastic groups. I recently started posting regularly on my beautiful wonderful Franchy pages. Ya, I’m active daily and love it. I’m being consistent and working on all my wonderful franchy dreams ya. What’s coming next is monetizing all my pages. Unfortunately, my two groups can not make me money as of yet. However, maybe I will find a way. Likewise, my main Facebook profile currently is not making me money maybe there is a way around that? I just plan to work as hard as I can going forward. My past mistakes of talking to guys just here to use me and waste my time are truly madly deeply over. I need to focus more on what I want for my life and my two frantastic businesses. No more dreaming my life instead I will live my dream.