Tag Archives: positive

Franchys I’m back to back

Hello World Fitters!

It’s been a while hasn’t it, did you miss me? Well I definitely miss you guys how have you been? I myself been great creating my perfectly imperfect body as usual. Mostly I have been on social media sharing my life  and my weight loss journey. I have a Facebook page dedicated to you guys it’s called Franchys Body perfection.  I’m on there regularly feel free to pay me a visit to get franchy back, or say what’s up.

About my weight loss, since beginning my weightloss journey on November 1, 2016 I’ve lost a total of 27 pounds. There were times that I was afraid that I would put back on the pounds by spring time like I always do but think God I have kept my weight loss. There were definitely difficult moments where I have to say no to certain foods and do extra to make up for slow days. All in all it has been a learning experience that I will forever cherish.

I cherish you all as well for supporting me through my loving my perfectly imperfect body journey. It’s taking a long time to truly love and accept myself. I share my insecurities with you because I know you have insecurities too and I figure by me sharing my story it can help you too. I hope my blog really inspires you to love yourself completely we all are beautiful in our own ways. Love yourself and always stay true to you, love you all. Have a blessed day lovelies, bye until next time.


Flowers by KmyGraphic