Sometimes it’s okay to step out of the box and be your perfectly imperfect self while you’re out have a little dance of happiness.
By Francesca Etheart, for your well being
Hiya World Fitters!
How are you this beautiful Friday morning? Are you ready for the weekend? I myself am pretty good can’t complain at all I’m alive to see another day praise God. Today I got up pretty late as I could not get myself to get up my monthly friend has yet to make her visit yet nonetheless she is letting her presence be known by making me sick. For a while, I just lay there not being able to get up drifting in and out of sleep. Fortunately, I was still able to do my morning meditation and prayer. Today Tamara Levitt tell us it’s okay to be different and perfectly imperfect. It’s Okay to step out of our comfort zone and stir away from the norm.
Sometimes it’s okay to step out of the box and be your perfectly imperfect self while you’re out