Franchy Picture Great Life 37

When you look at me you see such beauty.

My hair hangs lightly on my shoulders.

My beautiful eyes stare so intently that you feel  as though I can see your soul.

But you see the eyes can be blind and can’t see what the heart sees.

For you see when I look in the mirror all I see are all my rolls that make up my perfectly imperfect body.

My stretch marks outlines all my imperfections for the world to see.

Nevertheless you see right through my flaws and straight to my heart.

You see and love me as I’m.

Thank you for loving me just as I’m.

For kissing away every tear drop that flooded my face.

I love you my darling.

To My World Fitters

Sincerely Franchy

Thirteen Pounds Of Weight Loss Freedom

Good day World Fitters!

I’m happy to let you guys know I’ve lost 13 pounds so far during my weight loss journey. I know, I know 13 pounds doesn’t seem like much it certainly doesn’t seem like something that I need to celebrate. Wrong, you should celebrate any pounds lost because losing weight is not easy.

Loving me, that’s the way to be.

It certainly wasn’t easy saying goodbye to my favorite foods or getting my butt up and exercising when I didn’t really want to. You know sometimes you want to relax and grab your favorite food and enjoy life. That was my intentions when I first decided to stop starving myself. I didn’t intend on putting on as much weight as I did. In my highest recorded weight I was 173 pounds at 5’5 when I was thin I was approximately 5’3 130 pounds that is a total of 43 pounds of weight gain.

Wow World Fitters I can’t believe I just told all of you my weight. For many months my weight gain have been a source of great shame and regret. Many people kept openly telling me about their disappointment in my weight gain. Now my weight gain is a source of great strength and perseverance. I had to persevere despite all the negative opinions I was getting. It is my body my business plain and simple, I don’t care about what others think anymore.

World Fitters don’t care about what others think either. Truth be told when it comes to people opening their wallet to help you no one will volunteer their money. All they want to do is explode your head with all their opinions. World Fitters it took me a long time to trully love and appreciate all of my flaws. If you are not there yet don’t worry you will get there. I hope that each blog that I post bring you closer to loving your perfectly imperfect body. I love you all, thank you for joining me here I will see you all next time.

Stay Bless,
