I wanted to write a reaction to one of my videos that got the most attention. First of all I wanted to thank everyone for viewing my video and hearing my voice. You could’ve as easily roll your eyes and gotten off my channel but you didn’t.
No you didn’t you kept viewing , thank you. This video truly was made from my heart. If you look closely you will see a part of me still connected to the video. The negative comments that I received during my weight gain will forever have a place in my life. Thankfully the place that those peoples opinion have is absolutely in the right place. It took me a long time to realize to stop giving people so much strength on how I view myself. They don’t know me they didn’t even bother to try to figure out my struggles.
Before <3After <3
Many of my haters always try to make it seem that it is about my health that they were concern about. I know better it was all about how much better I looked with no stomach. I know I needed to lose weight and I was trying to do just that. I never ask for help they just volunteer their services to me (how sweet).
World Fitters this whole experience have open my mind to how narrow and closed minded people can be. They assume that the reason that I got fat was because I became lazy and was enjoying food too much. They couldn’t be more wrong, no one wanted me to be skinny more than me. Now that I’ve lost some of the weight I will go on as normal. I’m not a better version of myself just because I lost some weight. People can go F<3 *$####<3K themselves and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Sorry World Fitters excuse my french but I just have to let it all out. Those people were so rude, anyways have a great day World Fitters.
I’m happy to let you guys know I’ve lost 13 pounds so far during my weight loss journey. I know, I know 13 pounds doesn’t seem like much it certainly doesn’t seem like something that I need to celebrate. Wrong, you should celebrate any pounds lost because losing weight is not easy.
Loving me, that’s the way to be.
It certainly wasn’t easy saying goodbye to my favorite foods or getting my butt up and exercising when I didn’t really want to. You know sometimes you want to relax and grab your favorite food and enjoy life. That was my intentions when I first decided to stop starving myself. I didn’t intend on putting on as much weight as I did. In my highest recorded weight I was 173 pounds at 5’5 when I was thin I was approximately 5’3 130 pounds that is a total of 43 pounds of weight gain.
Wow World Fitters I can’t believe I just told all of you my weight. For many months my weight gain have been a source of great shame and regret. Many people kept openly telling me about their disappointment in my weight gain. Now my weight gain is a source of great strength and perseverance. I had to persevere despite all the negative opinions I was getting. It is my body my business plain and simple, I don’t care about what others think anymore.
World Fitters don’t care about what others think either. Truth be told when it comes to people opening their wallet to help you no one will volunteer their money. All they want to do is explode your head with all their opinions. World Fitters it took me a long time to trully love and appreciate all of my flaws. If you are not there yet don’t worry you will get there. I hope that each blog that I post bring you closer to loving your perfectly imperfect body. I love you all, thank you for joining me here I will see you all next time.
Today I’m feeling really good and optimistic, why is that you mate ask? Well it’s because I’ve noticed my hard work paying off. For instance yesterday after my daily walk I took a picture to remember the lovely day. I was surprise to see the difference in my appearance in the picture. I have lost a good amount of my weight, I’m very proud of myself.
I myself am never too focus on people’s bodies and how much fat their bodies most likely contain. However others seem extremely concern on how much fat my body contains. Why is that we like to put others down rather then pick up their confidence? Since I’ve lost a bit of weight no one is going out of their way to congratulate me on my weight lost. When I put on weight a lot of people when in and over out of their way to tell me I’ve put on weight.
My World Fitters I just wanted to tell you always love and believe in yourself. You know after talking to my freind I realize he has no idea what he is talking about. After years of listening to these negative comments about my weight gain I’ve realizes none of these people knew what they were talking about.
It took many years for me to truly madly deeply love myself. I’ve shed many tears, and let the tears seep through my business. I wanted to say from the bottom of my heart don’t let anyones opinion affect how you view yourself always love yourself! I want to wish you a frantastic week ahead, bye.
Weight loss made easy
Bonjour (Good Morning) world fitters! I’m certainly in a fabulous mood. I hope you are as well. Hows life? My life is good! As I mention in my last blog! My birthday is next Saturday. That right October 31, (hollow-en). I cant wait! I will be 33 years old. SSSSSHHHHH Don’t tell anyone world fitters its our little secret!
I dance to my own beat
I trust that you can keep my little age secret! I know there is a saying that a gentleman never ask’s a woman her age (after 30). If you’ve been reading my blogs and visiting my other profiles. Then you know I dance to my own beat. I’m not normal. Nor do I pretend I’m normal. That’s right I embrace my weirdness. With that said I don’t mind you knowing my age. After all we are a family! Besides I’m proud of my age. It shows I’ve been on this earth longer then some people. There are some people who never made it to their 30’s. There are even some people who never made it to their 16th birthday. So yes I will be ecstatic that I made it to 33. Happy birthday to me!
My Sweet Birthday
In honor of my birthday. I will film a special message to you world fitters. So stay tune for that. This week will be an easy week for me. Even though I have a lot of work to do. For my online job as well as my security job. Subsequently I will take a day off to celebrate my birthday. Don’t worry! I will have your weekly post ready by Friday. So yeah easy week coming up!
I don’t know about you. I like making things easy and simple. Life is complicated enough. Why complicate your life further? I try to make my articles as simple as possible. So that everyone can follow a long. This blog wont be any different. I have five simple ways to incorporate into your life. To help you lose the weight. Many people feel that in order to lose weight you have to work very hard. Yes that is true. In order to lose the weight you will have to work hard. However you can also lose weight by making some small changes. For example, giving up soda. That’s what I did. I lower a substantial amount of soda out of my diet. It has work wonders for me.
Another technique that has worked wonders for me is taking baby steps. Taking baby steps is the key to keeping off the weight. Many people gravitate towards grueling hours at the gym. Starving themselves for long periods of time. My advice to you world fitters is take it easy!
Below are 5 easy weight loss steps:
Soda back up
As I mentioned before cutting back on soda alone. Can have a profound effect on the shape of your body. You can lose a good amount of weight cutting back on soda. When I first started my journey. That was the first and only thing I cut back on. I know soda can cause a lot of weight gain. So reduce your soda intake and reduce your dress size.
Water down to your perfect fitness
One good way to keep the pounds off is by drinking a glass of water. While hydrating you. Water also helps you feel full faster and therefore prevent over eating. Water is a good way to maintain your perfect body. Lets drink to that!
Chewing perfection
I know growing up with fear of the biggest embarrassment of my life. Haven’t always been easy! However it’s something everyone deals with. That’s right I’m talking about bad breath! Having bad breath can ultimately end your life! At least that’s how a teenager may feel. If you can remember your childhood. You know how frail your social celebrity (popularity) can be. Popular one day a nobody the next day. A lot of us would do anything to maintain our status. Chewing gum to maintain social celebrity is a no brainier. Chewing gum keeps you ready for the perfect close up. Apparently chewing gum also gets you ready for your tiny bikini. “What?” Yup you head correctly. Chewing gum can help you to lose some pounds. So chew your way to your perfect body.
Clean the dish/clear your weight to perfection
Many of us hate washing the dishes. Buying a dish washer seems like a good investment. But is it? I was doing some online work. When I read that washing dishes can help you to lose some weight. Naturally I was very skeptical! I thought it was a trick to get us to wash our dishes. Nevertheless I decided to give it a try. After all I have to wash dishes anyway. I just have a naughty little thought in the back of my mind. That I mate be shedding some pounds. Having that little naughty thought in the back of my head. Helps to motivate me to continue washing the dishes.
Fidgety Weight Loss
Remember when your mom use to say ( maybe they still do) “stay still?” While you excited wait for your birthday party. As thoughts of opening your present run through your mind. Well maybe your parents was wrong. “What?” You say my parents are never wrong! Just hear me out for a second. Moving and not staying still is good for your waist and other parts of your body. Keeping your body moving also keeps the scale moving. Where the scale stops depends on you.
How your body looks depends on you! Try these five steps they should help with your weight loss. In addition to trying my easy weight loss secrets. You can also buy clothes that makes you look slimmer. To accentuate your natural curves and body shape. For instance black clothing is known to make you look slimmer naturally. When it comes to weight loss don’t stress yourself out. Give yourself a brake! Often we are the hardest on ourselves! Take it easy! I’ll talk to you later world fitters! Right now I’ll be getting ready to celebrate my birthday! Remember every Friday I’ll have a new post to share with you guys. Alrighty world fitters! I bid you fare well. Bye! Bye!
Quick Poll:
Did you find my suggestions easy to follow along?
a) Yes.
b) A little.
c) No I don’t.
d) I don’t like easy.
e) It was perfect.
f) Just my style.
My Weekly Shapely:
Hello again world fitters! It’s me Franchy! I’m currently at work writing this post for you. Reminiscing on the past week. As you guys know my birthday just past. I had a fabulous birthday. Although I haven’t celebrated my birthday yet. I will celebrate it sometime this week. I cant wait!
As for my weight. I’m happy to say I’ve been keeping up with my exercise. Even though I haven’t been walking in the park. However the only aspect I haven’t been keeping up with is my fiber intake. It’s necessary I get the proper amount of fiber. To help my stomach stay small. In the past years my stomach been big and small. For instance one day I would look at the mirror and see my wonderfully small waist. Then a couple hours later my stomach would be big again. Have anyone also experienced that? When that happens I get quite frustrated. So I’m working on regulating my fiber intake.
I’ll keep you guys updated on my progress. World fitters you should also regulate your fiber intake. It may also help you to lose weight! I hope you find this blog helpful! Weight loss should be easy. Not such a struggle. However if you are struggling. Comment below and let the community help you! If you wish to contact me directly my email is. I will definitely reply. I’m here for you world fitters. If you need me you know what to do! Have a good week! Bye! Bye!
Hello world fitters. Before we begin our beautiful weight loss/ weight acceptance journey. I want you to first love your body as it is now. That’s right step in front of the mirror. Take of your clothes. That’s right strip until you are only in your bras and panties. Do you love what you see? I ask you to do this now because self acceptance doesn’t come with weight loss. Plastic surgery wont help you to love yourself. In order for you to be successful at anything you have to first love yourself. You have to know your worth it. This website is about losing the weight for yourself because your worth it!
In this website I will be providing you with information that I learn about losing weight. I too am on a weight loss journey. So I will share my progress as well as my failures for you can learn from my mistakes. As I mentioned before I’m not here to tell you how to live your life and what your body should look like. At the end of the day it is your body your life. With that said below is two diagrams of weight to height ratio charts. This gives you an idea of how much you should weight.
The charts above are design to give you an idea of what you should weight in order to be healthy. I myself don’t get on the scale. I find it to be frustrating and depressing. For instance after you have had a really good workout. Then you look at the scale and realize you had not loss any weight. You get discouraged. The best way to see weight loss is by seeing how your clothes fit you. As you lose weight your clothes fit you loosely. I don’t know about you but I get very excited about my big clothes not fitting me. I get even more excited about showing off a slimmer waist as pictured below.
Luckily for you I have a good plan on how to lose your stomach. On this website I will give you good tips on how to lose the weight. I will provide you with different tasks to do in order to lose weight and to be healthy. So here goes my first task for you to complete. Take a picture of yourself before the weight loss. Get a pen put behind the picture “Before” and store it privately. Task number two is to keep a journal about your weight loss. On the journal you will record: What your eating? What exercise your doing? Also document how your feeling? I find it to be very therapeutic. You can keep the journal private or you can make a public blog about it and get paid. For instance here are my blogs http://franslife82online.blogspot.com/. I think it can be good to share your blog publicly. For example, you can get feedback that can help you in the long run. Furthermore looking at other peoples weight loss journey can help you feel not alone. It’s always good to get support. Likewise I want to support you as well. Bellow I have listed Items you will need in order to be successful.
I also prepared a list of Items you will need for your weight loss journey:
1. Small weights.
2. Towels.
3. A camera.
4. A regular note book.
5. Sneakers
6. A floor pad.
AL righty Lets Go! Your weight loss journey have officially started! Good Luck!