Hi Lovelies how do you do? I’m doing alright just feeling tired. Ya, my sleep is back to being sporadic and I’m trying to adjust to the wonderful mornings again. I just am so used to being up at night and sleeping the mornings away. The problem is that by the time I wake up it is too late to run my errands. Like my Franchy frantastic bank runs. Additionally, it is spring you know time for my wonderful walks outdoors.
Ya, it is springtime in beautiful New York City. You know Lovelies I absolutely hate the winters. Now it is getting warmer I can go out more frequently. Which when getting up too late possess a really big problem. I like to do 2 hours at least at the park before I can come home. Then it is time to work again. Ya Lovelies I work each and every day. Between Facebook, my business profiles, and blogging I’m pretty busy. We are really into the mid of the New Year as of now Lovelies. By now we can see how our New Year’s Resolutions went. Did you keep your many promises Lovelies? For me ya it has been truly madly deeply a struggle. Ya, bad habits truly die hard. Nonetheless, I’m not giving up. No longer just dreaming my life am living my sweet dreams. Thank you for listening to my Franchy ramblings about the new life that spring always brings. I hope today is going great for you. Stay true to yourself always. Bye, see you all tomorrow.