Buongiorno (Good morning) World Fitters.
Today I’m going to talk about my faith and spirituality. I know spirituality is not something one usually think of when talking about weight loss and self love. Nevertheless, I think it is just as important to maintain a healthy mind and body. I’m going to go ahead and apologize in advance if you don’t believe in the Christian faith like I do. Nonetheless this is for everybody that is going through a hard time right now and could use a great big internet hug. I’m here for you Lovelies sending you sweet kisses and a lot of love world wide. ????????

Lovelies it is the love I now have for myself that keeps me going even in my darkest hours. I truly madly deeply believe even though things are extremely hard now things will get better. I wanted to send out my very special Franchy prayer to you all that have tears in your blue eyes. May they dry now as you slowly walk to your very own happily ever after. If you are experiencing Covid -19 may your heart heal all your wounds and the next day you wake up with a great big smile on your beautiful face. Additionally if you are having financial difficulties may you find another source of income to help make your life a lot more easier ya. Lovelies the most important thing is knowing you are never a lone and someone truly cares about your hardships. You are not ok and that is perfectly ok. I truly madly deeply love you and all your perfect imperfections. Lovelies you got to love you and all your perfect imperfections! Have a blessed day or night in the world chabella.