Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing? I’m doing all right just feeling sick from my women’s issues. Nevertheless, my commitment to producing great content is always somewhere close to my heart. My promise of writing daily content is not always easy as I don’t always have something exciting happening to me personally. I’m just a Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel trying to live my very best life ever. Nonetheless, I do try my best to publish as much as I can. Moreover, I know in the past my postings have not always been consistent. Yes, I do a lot and sometimes it is truly madly deeply difficult to turn my laptop on and begin writing sweet pieces of me. This is why in 2022 I have made the promise to my Franchy dreams to bring new blue life to all my websites and I will do it this year. Likewise, my commitment to self-love is truly madly deeply renewed each and every new year.

Ya Lovelies this website is all about my journey of self-love to help you with any difficulty you may also be experiencing as well. Life is hard and I’m truly madly deeply perfectly imperfect. I have made a lot of mistakes throughout my Franchy life and I’m sure I will continue doing some more mistakes. I never write under the pretense that I know everything. Rather than we are all learning together and truly giving guidance to each other. There will never be any judgment here. You are free to be your absolute true self. Whatever that mate be. Sweet Lovelies I remember when I was big. I was always feeling so uncomfortable. I truly felt great shame for becoming big. I felt so ugly and so unattractive. For so long I did not weigh myself. Until I visited the doctor because I was not feeling good. He weighs me after so long of me not doing so. I was so nervous Lovelies. Then I learned I was 5’5 and 173 pounds. From that day on November 1, 2016, I began my self-love journey. Lovelies love yourself don’t let the scale define you. Love yourself no matter what. I will continue being here for you all. I love you all ya.

Sweet Lovelies the moment you realize how beautiful you truly madly deeply are thats when you truly madly deeply realize that your happily ever after has been there now an forevermore. Carpe diem size the beautiful wonderful day. Live today like it is your last. Dont drem your life live your dreams. Dance like no one is watching. Sing like your vocal cords go on infinately. Love like your heart is everlasting and always sending sweet love. For this is your very own perfectly imerfect life make every breath count mmmmmmmmm ya.