Fulfill Your Love World Fitters

love fat 2

Hi World Fitters! How is life? My life right now is okay planning a big move in April. Which I will tell you about when it happens. As things would have it I have something to say. I wanted to say love your fat. If you don’t love your fat don’t expect other people to love your fat. I don’t mean if your fat you shouldn’t lose weight. What I mean is love your fat enough to be okay to lose it. What is love? To me love is unconditional acceptance for who and what you are.

Do you feel love World Fitters? Do you think love has a weight, that after a certain weight you are not capable of love? Well I’m here to tell you that is not so. There  are some fat lovers out there. No I’m not talking about the guys that have a fetish for big women. Some guys truly prefer their women with some meat on them. Frankly who can blame them fat women are every bit as sexy as skinny women.

So just what is it that man find desirable about extra love handles. Extra love handles means more to love and touch. Of course we are soft to the touch. Plus size women does just that add to your life.

Frantastic Plus Size Curves 

  1. Inspires creativity in all areas of life.
  2.  More soft spots to touch.
  3.  My own personal chief.
  4.  Plus size best for cuddle sessions.
  5.  More lay back during meals.
  6.  Never kiss and tell loyal till the end.
  7.  Plus size women are always good pillows to lay on, when you have had a long day.
  8.  Will keep your heart warmer.
  9.  Keeping you happy is my life.
  10.  You please me more.
  11.  I have curves that goes on infinitely.
  12.  I need you more.

World Fitters I hope the above list has shown you that love doesn’t have a weight. There are still a man out there for you. You just have to keep looking in the right places. Just because your body is more fulfilled doesn’t mean you don’t need love. We all need someone to love us unconditionally to hold and touch us. Here is what I have to say about you all:

Franchy Says

  • You are beautiful don’t worry.
  • You just have more to love about you.
  •  Your body is fatbulous don’t let anyone tell you differently.
  •  Perfection is no longer in style.
  •  Your body size makes it a wonderland.
  •  Love your body no matter what.
  •  Always remember you are love.
  •  Loseweightandfeelgreatwithfran.com is always here for you.

That’s all I have to say for now World Fitters. However as time goes by I will add to both list. We are always growing and changing . Life is not the same today nor was it yesterday.

Loseweightandfeelgreatwithfran.com understands that life is always changing and is also changing. Check here every Friday for new posts. If you have something you want me to add to the lists comment below and let me know. Also comment to say hi and let me know how you are doing. Love yourself World Fitters. I’ll see you next week. Have a wonderful weekend, love always Francesca! Bye! Bye!

PS: Check out my post “RELATIONSHIPS AND YOUR WEIGHT.” I feel my post will help send cupid your way. Love yourself and then you will find someone who feels the same way.

Flowers by KmyGraphic




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