Sometimes it is the littlest commodity that can create the most beautiful wonderful eternity. Yet still with every moment things truly madly deeply begin changing for the better. Your very own perfectly imperfect happily ever after no longer seems so far away and unattainable. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel for you have finally open your beautiful wonderful blue eyes to all the wonderful possibilities that this beautiful wonderful life has to offer. You vow to truly stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel this is only the beginning. Wont you go outside and have a wonderful twirl and twist out in the storm of your perfectly imperfect life? After all that wonderful frolic you can now finally create your very own happily ever after ending. You are truly madly deeply beautiful smile for me. I just want to know you are truly happy. I love you now and forevermore.

Franchys a special day indeed.
Hi Lovelies how are you all doing today? I doing great actually thank you. I truly hope you all are doing frantastic mmmmmmmmm ya. Lovelies 6 years ago on exactly this Franchy day was created. Back then I was just 32 years old with eyes as blue as the beautiful wonderful blue skies. I was truly madly deeply tired of hearing how much better I looked when I was thinner. Nevertheless I kept hearing the echo of the many broken promises of last years past of broken dreams. There were many nights I cried myself to sleep not feeling beautiful or attractive. Peoples rude comments were certainly not helping me love myself any more better. Then one day I begin wondering if anyone else was feeling this deep dark emptiness from deep within their souls? So I brought and decided to truly madly deeply give it a go. Now here we are 6 years later.

Six years and counting to our own special happily ever after.
Six wonderful years World Fitters. I’m so proud of myself at the amount of time I truly dedicated to this wonderful beautiful blue blog of hope. There is now really a lot of articles to get lost in. Thousands upon thousands of motivational words to help you through your darkest days mmmmmmmmm ya. Lovelies I promise you all as long as I’m able to breath I will keep my dream (this blog) alive and well. This is our special day lets celebrate till our heart is truly content. From the bottom of my Franchy heart I thank you all for all your lovely support through the years. May we have many more. I love you all have a blessed day mmmmmmmmm ya.
