Sometimes looks can be quite so deceiving. With last years past of broken dreams putting up a full front of eternal happiness forevermore. So much so that when you get on the merry go round of broken dreams you are blinded by so many lost love. The very contiguous melody of broken promises of should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve silencing all the wonderfully beautifully blue dreams of last years past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize this beautiful wonderful day. Dance like no one is watching. Sing like the wonderfully earthly walls are truly madly deeply eternal. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel nothing is truly madly deeply impossible if you only just believe. Open your beautiful wonderful blue eyes to all the wonderful possibilities that is waiting for you off the merry go round of broken dreams. Don’t dream your life live you dream and dance to your very own happily ever after. Ya you are beautiful and absolutely are worth it.
早上好 (Good morning) World Fitters
How are you Lovelies? I’m doing well typing another lovely blog post for my Lovelies ya. I truly madly deeply hope you all are having a great day or night wherever you are. Lovelies I have been watching a lot of YouTube video’s (which truly is nothing new). Specially the ones about plastic surgery and makeup transformation. I myself have always been all about natural beauty. I like everything about me to be absolutely real and transparent hence this lovely website. For example, I have never worn fake hair and ever worn much makeup. I’m an open book what you see is absolutely what you get ya. Apparently in todays perfectly imperfect generation some people may not agree with me so much. Unfortunately plastic surgery is becoming the norm as more and more people are not accepting their perfect imperfections. Let me be clear I’m not against plastic surgery or wearing make up. However I’m against lack of self love and self acceptance. Honestly getting plastic surgery will not beautify you from within nor fix the problem of you not loving and accepting yourself. It is all a mirage created with doctors tools. Sweet Lovelies never deceive yourself into thinking that it is all real because it is not.
Sometimes looks can be quite so deceiving. With last years past of broken dreams putting up a full front of eternal happiness forevermore. So much so that when you get on the merry go round of broken dreams you are blinded by so many lost love. The very contiguous melody of broken promises of should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve silencing all the wonderfully beautifully blue dreams of last years past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize this beautiful wonderful day. Dance like no one is watching. Sing like the wonderfully earthly walls are truly madly deeply eternal. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel nothing is truly madly deeply impossible if you only just believe. Open your beautiful wonderful blue eyes to all the wonderful possibilities that is waiting for you off the merry go round of broken dreams. Don’t dream your life live you dream and dance to your very own happily ever after. Ya you are beautiful and absolutely are worth it. Ya I know everyone is not born truly attractive. Some of us just have better genes then other people. Nevertheless I truly madly deeply believe we all are beautiful in our very own special ways. Nonetheless not many people believe that. As a matter a fact I use to not believe that I was a beautiful attractive girl even though I was. Consequently I ended up doing things that eventually made me less attractive. I hurt myself in ways no one could have ever imagined. However I have forgiven myself. It was not my fault I was just having the wrong mindset. After all you become what you think about. Similarly many people are really going through the same things. Getting surgery when the problem is really from deep within. For instance Ashley Lovelace was an absolute beautiful social media star who chose to end her own perfectly imperfect life. She was feeling something wrong from deep within and she unfortunately didn’t get the help she truly madly deeply needed. If you are going through the same thing Lovelies ask for help it is never too late to began giving yourself the love you so desperately need. Love all your perfect imperfections and always remember it is ok not to be ok. I love you. Have a blessed day and night in the world mmmmmmmm ya