Prelude: I hope you guys noticed that I picked a beautiful full figure women as my feature image. I wanted you guys to know it is okay to be you. Race, color, weight, and all you don’t have to explain how you got to be that size. Erace self hate! The only person you got to answer to is god and yourself. In this blog I will show the relationship between your race and your weight.
Hola (Hello) World Fitters! I’m here bringing you the latest information on how to love your body and make it your own. Create the perfect body with proper exercise and watching what you eat. Is it possible after exercising and doing the right things that you can still be fat?
Maybe, perhaps there are other factors that can cause weight gain. Does fat have a color? What I mean is are certain races predispose to weight gain? Well that is what we will found out today. As you guys know from looking at my different pictures and videos on this site I’m African American. Now African Americans are known for having a curvy body. Most of our bodies are very voluptuous. Contrastingly Asians are mostly known for their thinner flatter physiques.
Of course there are exceptions to the rules. For example, I’ve seen some very voluptuous Asians and, some very thin African Americans. The culprit being a lot of mixing of the races.
Lets mix and match our different perspective on weight gain and race. It is apparent weight gaining is more prevalent amongst the African American race then the white. Let me say this straight away I don’t think your race have any effect on your weight. However your culture and the foods that are part of your culture have a bigger effect.
I think in so much areas of our life we make related to our race. Lets not make our weight be one of them. Weight gain is not racist it builds up on any race at any time. My own weight gain was not shy about picking me. It wasn’t racist at all. It came all of a sudden all at once.
Racism doesn’t have a part in our life nor of our weight. However there are special colors you can use to flatter your curves. Below are my frantastic weight flattering colors. Also check out my Dress your weight article design to make you look and feel your best!
My Frantastic Wear any Damn Color You Want:

My special message to you: It is almost summer or swim suit season. As a voluptuous full figure woman you shouldn’t shy away and cover your body up. Instead wear a fun color swimsuit like a purple bikini and have some fun. Don’t let your size bring you down.
My special message to you: This summer polka dots are in. Let the world poke into your amazing fashion sense. Thats right “Curvy is Beautiful!” You are beautiful! Live, love live like tomorrow is not promise.
My special message to you: Sexy is in! Look red hot in the latest fashion. Compliment your outfit with red kissable lips. Just because there is more of you doesn’t mean your not sexy. In fact there is more sexiness! “Bring your sexy back this spring.”
My special message to you: Bring out the best you with horizontal lines. Accentuate your outfit with a beautiful smile. Smile because you know your beautiful and your worth it. Smile because your alive to see another day.
My special message to you: “Sky’s the limit” wear the latest blue fashion and see there is no limit to what you can do. You are capable of great things. You are much more then your weight. Love every inch of you.
My special message to you: Bring a little of sunshine back in your life with yellow clothing. There is nothing like cheerful colors that can brighten your days. Life is hard I understand that you cant always smile. So let your clothes smile for you. Smile through your clothes.

The above article shows how color can help shape our life. We all need some meaning to our life. Everything you do has a meaning including the clothes you wear. For instance wearing all black can signify a death in the family or depression. As I mention before I don’t think our race have an impact on our weight. Obesity doesn’t discriminate it embed itself right into our soul. “The eye is the window to our soul.” What do you see? See that you are a beautiful person inside out. Don’t let the number on a scale define who you are. “Be you always.”
Love your friend Francesca! Bye, Bye World Fitters!
Fran says check these out before we say our good byes: