Fran’s FYI

Hello world fitters! How are you? I hope all is well in your world. As for me everything is fine. As you guys may have noticed. My website have undergone some transformations. Such as the overall appearance of the site. One thing haven’t change though. My desire to bring you my beautiful well thought out posts every Friday.

As always my articles are honest and genuine. I always let you know what is going on with my, our website. As things would have it. There is another change coming to this website. The change I’m referring to is sometime in the near future. You will see me promoting different programs.

Please don’t feel oblige to join the programs unless you want to. My job is to find the latest and easiest way to lose the weight. That is what the programs will be about. The reason I’m telling you this is because. I don’t want you guys to feel I’m only trying to make money out of you. To be honest I do want to make some money with this site. But its not my priority. My priority is to help you guys get the body that you want and deserve.

You deserve the  best! I will continue to deliver the most relevant information I can find. If you want me to write about something. Leave your suggestions in the comment section below. If you ever have something to say. Please say it! Leave me a nice comment below!

As I say before I’m a writer! I have a poem I wanted to share with you guys. It’s called “Dear Me.” It’s from my blog My Earning life gog82.

My Earning life gog82

Dear Me.
I have wanted to have this conversation for quite some time.
With every tear that drop from your eyes. I wanted to kiss them away. I wanted to say everything is going to be okay my darling.

Dear Me My Dearest.
If I got a penny for every guy that got a piece of your heart and didn’t
deserve it. I would be a billionaire by now.
You deserve the best and nothing less.

Dear Me Never Forget Your True Love.
Remember that lazy summer? Each kiss given burn a hole through your soul.

With each touch sending electricity throughout your body. Your sexuality was awaken that lazy summer. Every inch of you wanted him. Every inch of him wanted you. But your unending loyalty. Kept your legs close as well as your heart.

Dear Me What Is It You See In Me?
Your eyes so intense.
They see right through my lies.
I see you for what you are not who I want you to be.

Dear Me Friends And Followers Come And Go.
Let go of these doubts.
Your far better then a distant memory.
Far better then just a number.

Dear Me You Are Beautiful!
No matter what you heart say.
Your one of a kind.
No one can ever replace you.
I love you.

Dear Me.
As you read this. I hope all your fears and doubts are disappearing with every word that is written. You are a remarkable women. There is no need to thank me.
May you follow your dreams and your heart. They will take you very far.

Fly away my angel.

Dear Me
This is only the beginning.
Write your ending.

Sharing is Caring

I love sharing a part of me with you guys! This poem is very special to me. It’s very personal. I feel if your honest about your weight, and you try to figure out what to do to lose the weight. You can be very successful! Write a letter to yourself. Write about your struggles with your weight. Write about how you feel. I would love it if you share it in the comment section below.

My Farewell

Alright world fitters. See you next Friday! Have a wonderful weekend. Bye! Bye! Love you!

Flowers by KmyGraphic


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