Good Morning World Fitters!

I’ve been spreading my business on social media, mainly Facebook. I’ve seen so many posts about losing weight, as if it was the best thing that they ever did with their life. Don’t get me wrong losing weight is a great thing, however it is not everything. As I said if you want to lose weight that is fine but if you want to stay at your perfectly imperfect weight that’s fine too.

This obsession with weight loss is creating an equal obsession with overeating. Beautiful people like Dominique Lanoise are losing there life because of it. Dominique Lanoise took her last breath on March 10, 2012. When I learned of Dominiques death I was so sad. I had hope she would get her life back together and walk again. I’m also sadden because I think of the pain her six children are feeling, it’s a bad situation for everyone.

I definitely was surprised she died even though she got the surgery done. I believed that Dominique Lanoise thought the surgery was a kind of magic pill that would take all her problems away. She thought she wouldn’t have to put any effort to her own health. Nothing in life is ever that easy you have to fight for what you want. Unfortunately Domonique didn’t get that part.
My hard work!

Dominique Lanoise died on March 10 at her own hands. What I mean is that she died because of her own decision to leave the hospital. I thought it was very strange that she called 911 while she was still in the hospital. When she got home she got sick due to complications from the surgery, if she stayed in the hospital she may still be alive today.

I think to myself if Dominique Lanoise was still alive today would she have successfully lost all the weight and be able to walk? It’ s difficult to answer that question. It all depends on whether she resolve the problems that caused her to overeat in the first place. If Dominique Lanoise resolved her food issues I definitely think she could’ve created her perfectly imperfect body. I think the surgery just take care of the physical problems , the mental problems still exist and can still hinder a person’s sucess at losing the weight. I think that is what happened to Dominique her mind prevented her from succeeding.
World Fitters don’t let anything or anyone keep you from succeeding. Dominique Lanoise had food brought to her, her daughter help her to exercise, furthermore she had her own personal physician that made house calls, however she still failed at creating her perfectly imperfect body. It’s your body your life no matter what people say they never know what you are going through. Love yourself enough to take care of yourself. Love you all, enjoy the rest of your day, bye.