Category Archives: The Medias Body

Franchys Model Your Imperfections

Bonjour (Good Morning) World Fitters!

Good Morning <3

As an adolescent I idolize models, after all they are the “standard beauty.” Their thin bodies decorate every famous magazines and catalog. Well apparently my mother thought I could be a model so my mother had me call a model agency, which I did. Back then I had the “perfect body” absolutely no stomach and a thin frame essentialize with 36C breasts so I certainly had the looks. However I didn’t have the confidence so my modeling career was cut short or was it?

Bye Bye tummy hello curves.

I’ve been thinking World Fitters everything in life does eventually come to full circle. I mean everything you do in your life will one day be actualize. For example, there was a time that I really felt ugly that I could never be a model. Now I have turned to a model thanks to my websites and social media my pictures are all over the web. I remember a time that I had no pictures on the internet now there are many everywhere. Similarly there was a time that I hated my body and every stretch mark that decorated my body. Currently I love the body that is so perfectly imperfect. We all are models in the making as so perfectly stated by the below acrostic poem.

Franchys Model Your Imperfections:

More is more- The more beautiful you realize that you are the less imperfect your body seems.

Ok so I’m fat- Thank you for clearing that up for me, otherwise I couldn’t see that for myself. Yes I know models are supposed to be skinny, thanks again for bringing that to my attention.

Don’t speak- Have  you heard of the old saying “if you can’t say nothing nice don’t say anything at all?” Don’t Speak like my favorite song by No Doubt, please.

End perfection and indoctrinate imperfections- The truth is we are all trying to be perfect without realizing no one or nothing is perfect. Our imperfections are what makes us who we are, put an end to plastic surgeries and perfections.

Laugh of  the haters and that beautiful pouch- “Did you know Laughing intensely for an hour can burn as many calories as  lifting weight for 30 minutes, scientists have found?” So World Fitters don’t sweat it and laugh all the way to the scale because your weight is your business.

World Fitters Mold, Shape, and Paint your perfectly imperfect body. Far to many of us are propagandize by the bodies we see in magazines. Real women have curves, rolls, stretch marks, and some women doesn’t have any of these things and that is fine we all are beautiful. Follow the body positivity model and love you.


My weightloss

World Fitters I hope you find my many inspirational words inspiring in helping you love your body. Too many times people are putting others down for not being the standard beauty. understands your bodies struggle to fit in with this backward pressure building to be perfect world. No one is perfect and that is just fine, I love you World Fitters just as you are. Have a wonderful week, bye for now.

Flowers by KmyGraphic

Commit To Your Happiness!

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Hello world fitters! It’s been a while since I last posted to you. I’m sorry about that. In the future I will post more frequently the best weight loss information. Luckily I have returned with some goodies. One of the goodies I’ve returned with is Pact. Pact is an app that pays you to be healthy. An other goodie I have returned with is I just bought a new domain name. I don’t know if you’ve noticed. My domain name have changed it’s no longer is It’s now I feel so proud of myself. Knowing that you own a domain it really makes you feel special. To know this is mine and no one else. There is only one company I have to thank for this.

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I really have Wealthy Affiliate to think for this. Through them I’m able to communicate with you guys. Giving you the latest information on ways to lose weight and love your body. With that said. That brings me to my final goodie. All this loving yourself can turn out to be very pricey. For example, after you lose all that weight you may want to go shopping to celebrate. Back then you could stretch a dollar pretty well. Now days things are far more expensive. A dollar is not as flexible. To combat the money trouble. In this website I will include some ways to earn some extra cash. One great way to earn extra cash is Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate is a school that teaches you how to create an online business. In a separate article I will discuss Wealthy Affiliate to the fullest. I will also share with you another site I’m working on when its ready. Since weight loss affects every aspect of your life. I will be discussing everything related to weight loss in this website. Lets get started!

Shall we begin the discussion with my #1 recommended app for weight loss? The app I’m referring to is Pact. As I mentioned before Pact is an app that pays you to eat healthy and to exercise. I first join Pact on 6-29-2015. With the intention of trying the app out. I was a little uneasy about giving out my PayPal information. As there are a lot of scams out there. One can never be too careful. Rest assure Pact is not a scam. It has pay thousands of users. So what is Pact?

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“We’re Pact, a 15-person San Francisco start up focused on healthy behavior change.” The San Francisco based business was founded by Yifan Zhang and Geoff Oberhofer. As off today here are some fun stats for Pact:

11.8m total workouts              4.6m meals logged

6.2m veggies/fruits eaten      92% success rate

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Stats provided by

There are currently 3 healthy activities you can participate in. They are Gym Pact, Veggie Pact, and Food Logging Pact. I’m currently involved in the Gym Pact. To help you decide which Pact is best for you. I have created a short description of each of the Pact.

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Gym Pact- Do you find it hard to get up out of that couch? Do you need an extra push to help you exercise? Your in luck. The gym pact is guarantee to give you the extra motivation that you need.

Whether it is walking, running, playing tennis, etc…… Here you can either log into your gym, or log into your home work outs. Whatever works for you is fine. The only agreement is the work outs gotta be at least 30 mins.

Veggie Pact- If your like me you hate eating your vegetables. You much rather bite into your cupcake. Nevertheless in order for us to live a healthier life style. You have to eat more fruits and vegetables. Thats where Pact comes in. Although it is called Veggie Pact it also includes fruits. This commitment with Pact will help you eat the necessary amount of fruits and vegetables. How many fruits and veggies you eat is up to you?

Food Log Pact- If your really looking to lose the unwanted weight. This Pact is for you. Here you log in what you eat. Keeping track of what you eat can really help control your weight. Controlling your weight to create the body that you want is something everyone deserves. I know from experience that if you don’t feel comfortable in your skin. You wont succeed in life! So always remember to love the skin your in. I believe that Pact can help you to feel more comfortable in the skin your in. That is why I recommend it. Although I definitely recommend Pact. There are some technical difficulties that you should be aware of.

Below are my lists of what you should watch out for when using Pact:

1. Sometimes the sign out button doesn’t let you log out properly.

2. If there is a glitch throughout the week. Pact may need to freeze your activities for that week. So you wont get charged. Unfortunately you lose all the work for that week.

3. If you wait too long to report a problem. Then the team can’t really resolve your problems at a timely fashion. You may or may not get charged. So it is best to report your problems right away!

4. Sometimes the app completely go out of whack and make you lose an entire workout.

He say/ She say

1. My activities are not counting.

2. PayPal is the only way to withdraw the money. Why is that?

3. Community voting issues.

4. I don’t like Pact.

5.  Pact is not worth it.

My Pact:

Screenshot_2015-08-31-11-24-34 Screenshot_2015-09-03-19-33-43


My 600+ Pound Article! What?!

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Hello world fitters! In the past week I’ve been viewing a show call “My 600 Pound Life” on TLC. In case you’ve never seen the show. It is about people who are trying to get control over their food addictions. The show mostly consists of women detailing their weight gaining problems. Most of them have had hard life’s and use food as a comfort. For instance if they are having a hard day they turn to food. For me personally it’s the opposite. If I’m stress I don’t eat. I don’t eat my feelings sort of speak. But I can understand being stress and eating. Life is hard! That’s a fact most of us know and understand. The problem is most of us don’t have someone we could come to for support. A lot of people don’t have the money to pay for a Therapist. So a Therapist is out of the question. But what most of us have is a refrigerator full of food. If we run out of food. The refrigerator is easily filled up again.

That is a deadly cycle most food addicts go through. They eat and eat but afterwards they feel guilty about the weight gain. Most of the casts of “My 600 Pound Life” are riddled with guilt and regrets. They themselves can’t believe they have let their addiction go that far. To give you a little back ground about the show.  As I mentioned before “My 600 Pound Life” is a show prod-cast on TLC. It features Penny, Melissa, Zsalynn, Chuck, James, Dominigue, and more. The show follows them on their battle to regain their life back. Often Dr Nowzaradan is seen helping them lose enough weigh so that they can get the Gastric Bypass Surgery. So that they can lose the weight. As with other addictions there are a lot of ups and downs. That is to be expected as addictions are hard to overcome and a food addiction is no different.

When I think about Marla McCants. I think of how deep her food addiction was. She was 43 years old and weighed 800 pounds. Marla developed the addiction after being kidnaped by her ex boyfriend. Afterwards she was too scared to leave her house. Marla stayed inside her home and kept eating and gaining weight. Afterwards the cops caught her estrange ex-boyfriend. But it was already too late. Marla had gain a substantial amount of weight. Marla weighted in at 700 pounds. Her body has already gotten damaged and she saw no reasons to curb her appetite. This feeling of defeatedness is common in victims of domestic abuse. Often when I watched TV where the women is being abused by her significant other. I see women who are like Marla. Women when put under pressure react by eating their feelings sort of speak. When other women watch TV do they think this reaction is okay? Many people watch TV for many different reasons!

Many people watch TV to get an idea of what they should be like? For example, we see people partying with friends and having fun and think that is how life should be. Likewise we see a size 2-6 on TV and think that is how our body should look. Every day most of us open the TV to various images of expectations. Without a stable and strong perspective on life and self. Everybody’s opinion will drive you insane. If you want to lose weight because of someone’s opinion then you shouldn’t. However if you want to improve your body for yourself. Then you should take the necessary steps to improve your body and life.

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Bellow I have inserted a “Quick Poll” and “My Weekly Shapely” to help you get your life back on track.

Quick Poll:

What do you do daily to maintain your health?

a) Drink plenty of water.

b) Exercise daily.

c) Eat fruits and vegetables.

d) Have a good night sleep.

e) Smile and laugh more.

f) None of the above.

My Weekly Shapely:

Hello all! This week I exercise almost everyday. The only day I did not exercise was Tuesday. Lets see if next week If I can do everyday. I even got my boyfriend to come to the park with me. It is always good to have an exercise partner. An exercise partner can help you keep motivated. Plus it makes the exercise session more fun if you are with your best friend. I also recommend playing some music while you exercise. That also helps with the work out.

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