Sometimes the wanderlust of last years past of broken dreams are truly madly deeply falling from your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I saw you today on the merry go round of broken dreams with tears in your beautiful blue eyes singing the melody of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel believe in your dreams always. Sweet Lovely as your birthday approaches swiftly and your special perfectly imperfect self love anniversary is right around the corner. Your blue eyes are truly becoming dimer and the wonderfully beautiful light is gone now and forevermore. Sweet Lovely please don’t let your light eternally shut off down eternity. Don’t dream your life live your dream Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. I love you.
Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from Nice France.
Hi Lovelies, it now falls in wonderfully beautiful New York of hopes and dreams. Last year’s past of eternal fall of broken dreams are truly madly deeply no more. How are you all doing this wonderfully beautiful morning? I’m doing pretty awesome actually. Just really trying to live my very best life. Lovelies I have been creating my very own perfectly imperfect body by going on one of my frantastic walks each day. I really love the way the leaves changes color in the fall. The leaves are truly beautiful and calming. I just have the wonderful freeing feeling that I want to jump in a pile of leaves and just be myself and of course be happy. Something really comforting and beautiful about the falling of the blue leaves of hope. Something really beautiful about you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel.
Sometimes the wanderlust of last year’s past of broken dreams are truly madly deeply falling from your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I saw you today on the merry-go-round of broken dreams with tears in your beautiful blue eyes singing the melody of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel believe in your dreams always. Sweet Lovely as your birthday approaches swiftly and your special perfectly imperfect self-love anniversary is right around the corner your blue eyes are truly becoming dimmer and the wonderfully beautiful light is gone now and forevermore. Sweet Lovely, please don’t let your light eternally shut off down eternity. Don’t dream your life live your dream Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. I love you. Sweet Lovelies I truly madly deeply believe there is a light within each of us. An inner child if you will that magically turns the falling leaves to their very own happily ever after. Sweet Lovely your happily ever after is truly madly deeply yours if you are really willing to put in all the effort. Like the changing leaves, life is constantly moving to a forevermore of your choosing. Choose happiness beautiful and life will forever be whatever you make of it. Change your wonderfully pessimistic thoughts into beautiful positive waterfalls. Fall in love all over again. This fall season is all yours Sweet Lovely. Live your very best life ever be blue be you. There is a pile of beautiful leaves waiting over there right by your very own happy ever after.